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Part 2 of Mama needs a break...

As requested by @valentina_maximoff

Natasha took a sip of her coffee, cringing at the taste. She always hated decaf. What's even the point of drinking coffee without the caffeine?

"Romanoff?" Natasha looked out the tiny window to see Maria Hill looking utterly confused.

"Shh! Get in here before anyone sees you."

"Okay, why did you ask me to meet you in your kids treehouse?" She asked climbing through the hole in the floor that was not meant for an adult.

"I'm hiding."

"From your kids?"


"Oh, yeah. I told you not to get married." Hill sat beside her friend and reached into the takeout bag she brought, "croissant?"

"Thank you." Natasha took the breakfast pastry and gave her friend a look, "I'm mad at him. And I'm trying to teach him a lesson."

"Oh my god. Captain America can do no wrong." Maria laughed at her own joke as she scarfed her breakfast. "What did he do to make you hide out in here?" She asked with her mouth full.

"He knocked me up."

Maria stopped chewing and slowly turned to her friend, "Congratulations?"

"Thank you." Natasha sighed and leaned her head against the wall, "I mean... I told him we could have another baby. But I wanted to wait a bit. Vera isn't even one yet."

"Yeah but Sarah is starting school so you will only have two at home during the day right?"

"I'm never going back to work." Natasha sighed.

"Yeah... can I have your parking spot?"

"Hill." Natasha glared at her friend which slowly turned into a small smile, "I guess it could be worse. I love my kids." Natasha smiled to herself as she placed a hand on her belly over her no existent bump.

"So why are you mad at him?"

"I can't figure out if he did this on purpose or he is just the most fertile man in the world. I'm not even supposed to be able to have kids and it's not like we have ever had to try. He just looks at me and boom! I'm pregnant."

"Guilty until proven innocent. I approve of your methods." Maria nodded as she took a sip of Natasha's coffee, "Ugh! That is disgusting, how can you drink that?"

"It's decaf, I'm pregnant remember?" Natasha chuckled to herself. "How are things at work?"

"The usual. Tony driving everyone nuts, Clint is still insisting he is retired.. that won't last. And Sharon is insufferable." Maria shook her head.

Natasha never had a reason to hate Sharon. She was a good agent. She was nice, people liked her. Natasha's problem was how even after they got married and had 3 kids, Sharon still felt the need to touch Steve whenever they spoke. She was too friendly for Natasha's liking.

"Maybe I should pop in to see Steve one day and set her straight... again." Natasha rolled her eyes and Maria laughed.

"I will pay you!"

Natasha shook her head as she laughed at her best friend. They heard a door open and close, followed shortly after by someone climbing up the ladder. James poked his head into the treehouse and looked at his mother sheepishly. "Come here, baby." James scurried over and climbed in her mother's lap.

"Mama's boy." Maria said under her breath. She quickly held her hands up in defeat after receiving a glare from her best friend.

Natasha rubbed James' back as he buried his face in her neck, "What's wrong, baby?"

"Are you coming back?" James asked barely above a whisper.

"Of course I am, why do you think I wouldn't?" Natasha kissed his head as she started slowly rocking side to side. James was her first baby, he made her a mother. He was in fact, a mama's boy but Natasha was not complaining at all.

"Daddy said you was mad at him."

"I'm not mad at Daddy. He just... you know how when you do something bad and you get in trouble?" James nodded as he stared into her eyes with his identical green orbs. "Well daddy is on a time-out."

"Daddy's bad?" James eyes got huge, James hated having his parents disappointed in him. He hated being in trouble. He was the child that made you think you could have more. Sarah was the trouble maker, she was strong willed and clever like Natasha. She also didn't care if she was scolded. Vera was still up for debate.

"Daddy will be fine. What's happening in there?" Natasha asked with mischief in her eyes.

James grinned before answering, "Sarah made a mess. Vera keeps yelling at Daddy and crawls away. She won't take her baba. Thems being bad."

"Are you being bad?" Natasha tickled James sides as he squirmed in her lap.

"No Mama! I'm a good boy!" James laughed. Natasha stopped and kissed his cheeks.

"You're my good boy. Say goodbye to Auntie Hill. We need to go save Daddy."

James waved as Maria smiled and nodded at him. They went their separate ways and Natasha and James walked into the house holding hands. Natasha stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her living room. It looked like a bomb went off.

"Mama!" Vera was the first to notice Natasha and she reached out with grabby hands and crocodile tears for her mother. Steve walked into the living room with a sigh of relief seeing Natasha.

Natasha walked over to Steve after she picked up Vera, "Have you learned your lesson?"

"I know the kids are a lot, baby. I will go and talk to Fury right now."

"Nope. I'm taking a nap with the kids. You can clean this up and then go talk to him." She placed a hand on his chest and leaned up to peck his lips. Natasha walked over to Sarah, who was hiding behind the doorway. She grabbed her hand and started leading her to the master bedroom, "Come on James, you can nap with us too." James shrugged his shoulders at his father and ran after his mother.

Steve stood there staring at the mess. "I didn't even make it." He pouted.

"I heard that!" Natasha yelled from the bedroom before closing the door. Steve jumped up and started cleaning. He was just barley out of the dog house, he was in no hurry to return to it. He had a new appreciation for Natasha and how she took care of the kids. He promised himself right there, he would be there for this pregnancy. If he had to quit and get a normal job, that's what he would do. Family first. He sighed as he started cleaning up the messy house and thought about his speech for Fury. It was already such a long day and it was only half way through. He hurried so he could make it back in time for dinner, figuring he would pick up pizza for his little family on the way back. Looking around he smiled, proud of himself before writing a quick note for Natasha:

Hi love

Went to talk to Fury. I'll grab dinner on the way home.

Love always,

Steve grabbed his keys and headed out the door hopeful that he would be in his wife's good graces when he get back. He did deserve a break.

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