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The one with the switch...

Requested by: @JayAckerman20 here is part 1 :)

Yelena woke up with a headache. What the hell did she get into last night? She moved her hand in front of her face to block the sun. Where was she?

The next thing she noticed was that she was naked and there was an arm around her waist. Was someone holding a Pfeifer-Zeliska . 600 Nitro Express Revolver on her? (Largest handgun in the world 😏) Nope! Yelena's eyes widened.

Yelena lifted his arm and carefully snuck out of his embrace before turning around looking at her sister's husband. Her eyes went big again and she started animatedly throwing her arms around trying to figure out how this happened. She has never met Steve in person. Natasha had always come to her or video chats. And now here she was in bed with her sister's husband. Looking down, she face palmed herself.

She was indeed naked.

Wait a damn minute.

She noticed some subtle changes to her body. Wider hips, larger breasts, scars she didn't have before. And a wedding ring? What the hell? Yelena grabbed the sweater off the floor; obviously Steve's because it covered her important bits. She jogged over to the door she hoped was the bathroom.

To say she was shocked was an understatement.

Suddenly she felt arms around her waist bringing her back to reality.

"Woah! Hands off приятель(pal)!"

"Natasha, what's wrong?" Steve lifted his hands in surrender as his face searched his wife's.

"I'm not Natasha." Yelena ran her hand down her face.

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

"I went to bed in Ohio and woke up in bed with you! And this isn't my body! Oh my god, Natasha is going to kill me."

"Nat, babe. Seriously?" Steve gave his wife an unamused look. Yelena stared back at him, face unchanging. "You're being for real right now?" Steve raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! Now put some clothes on! If Natasha finds out we are both dead!"

"Wait! Were you, you last night or Natasha?" Steve pulled jogging pants on and scratched his neck.

Yelena thought for a moment. "I would definitely remember having sex. I woke up as Natasha so whatever you guys did last night it was her."

"How do you know we did anything?" Steve furrowed his brow.

"Well apart from waking up naked, I have a throbbing sensation going on that I like a lot more when I got to reap the rewards that come beforehand." Yelena used wide arm motions around her lower regions to make her point, also successfully making the soldier blush.

The bedroom door slowly opened before two blonde toddlers came running full force at their parents.

"Mama!" James flung himself at his mother. Yelena didn't know what to do. She picked him up holding him as he wrapped his arms around her neck. Sarah hugged her father before also reaching for her mother.  Yelena looked wide eyed at Steve begging for help.

"Come on guys, Mommy's not feeling well. Let's make breakfast." Steve walked over to Yelena grabbing her arm in a supportive way before whispering, "We will go see Tony, maybe he can help." He grabbed his son and left the room. Yelena ran to the night stand and grabbed Natasha's phone. Unable to use it as she didn't know the password, she threw it on the bed before searching for clothes. She got dressed in a hurry and shoved the phone in her pocket before going into the hallway. She heard crying coming from one of the bedrooms and she was about to ignore it before remembering these were Natasha's kids. They were family. Also, Natasha would kill her if anything happened to them. Sighing and throwing her head back, she followed the cries to find a very young baby. Now she was no expert; but she figured 5-6 months. Had it been that long since she saw her sister?

"Hello..... baby?" Yelena carefully picked her up smiling to herself when she instantly stopped crying. "Score one Auntie Yelena." She smirked as she thought about what to do next. She saw the change table and thought that would be the next step. It took her a while but she figured it out. Overall, she was very proud of herself. She walked downstairs and finding Steve in the kitchen, with Sarah and James watching tv in the living room.

"I see you met the knew addition." Steve smiled widely at his daughter. "Paige."

"Pretty name."

Steve handed her a bottle, "Here, I don't t-think..." he sighed trailing off. "Natasha breastfeeds."

"Oh hell no. I'm not doing that!"

"Well that's why I gave you the bottle!" Steve whisper shouted. "Although..."

"What?" Yelena gave her brother in law the stink eye.

"You're going to have to pump."

"что за херня does that mean??"(what the fuck) Yelena said through gritted teeth.

"Natasha always complains that if she doesn't breastfeed often enough she gets really uncomfortable." Steve was looking anywhere but Yelena.

"This isn't fun anymore. I want my body back." Yelena threw her head back.

"We can go to the compound as soon as all the kids are fed. I can get Pepper to watch them."

Yelena nodded her head as she continued feeding Paige her bottle. Steve cleaned the kitchen and went to get dressed bringing down clothes for the kids as well. They were all loading up in the car when Yelena felt her pocket vibrating. Turning to Steve as she pulled Natasha's phone out, she gulped when she read her name across the screen.

"Hi Natalia. Anything interesting happen to you lately?"

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