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The one with a misunderstanding...

They had been together for 3 years. Natasha was never the romantic type, before Steve that is. They had some amazing dates. Even just going for a walk was meaningful when they were together. It didn't matter. It was always special just to be together.

This year for their anniversary, Natasha wanted to do something special. Steve was always the romantic one. He planned little things and date nights and made sure Natasha knew she was loved after years of being lonely. Natasha got up early and made Steve breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, orange juice and coffee. She was just flipping the last pancake when she felt his warm chest against her back and his arms wrapped around her waist. 

"Morning baby." She could feel his smile against her neck as he left open mouth kisses from her shoulder to her ear. "What's the occasion?"

Natasha felt like her stomach dropped out her butt. Did he honestly not remember? She instantly dropped her smile but covered it well. She wanted to know if he actually forgot.

"Just wanted to do something nice for you. It's ready." She turned and kissed his cheek and watched him make his plate. She studied him as he sat at the island and started eating.

"Thanks Tash, this is really good."

"No problem. Any plans today?"

"Yeah, Sam and I are training recruits all day and then meeting Tony for drinks after. Want to come? I can see if he will bring Pepper?"

"No thanks. I'll just have a quiet evening in." She said bluntly, not caring if it came off cold. How could he forget their anniversary? If she had forgotten he would have acted like a beaten puppy for days.

"You okay baby?" Steve looked up at her furrowing his brow.

"Fine." It was like a Russian winter in their kitchen and she could care less as she walked her dishes to the sink and stormed out of the room. Muttering under her breath, she changed into workout clothes and grabbed her bag. Filling her water in the kitchen with her back to Steve, she could feel his eyes on her.

"You sure you're okay Tash?"


"Okayyy well I'm going for a run before meeting Sam, do you want to join me?" Steve asked while wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"No thanks. I'm headed to the gym." Prying his arms off her and turning to face him. Kissing him quickly on the cheek and rushing out the door cussing under her breath in Russian she made her way to the gym. After running on the treadmill for 30 minutes, she proceeded to beat the heavy bag. When that wasn't enough for her anymore she asked some agents to spar. After a few hours and more and a couple agents asking what her problem was today, she took an extra long hot shower she decided to head back for a nap.

When she finally made it to their apartment, she was surprised to see Wanda pacing the halls.

"Where have you been!?"

"Umm hello Wanda. I'm good, you?" Natasha replied sarcastically while unlocking the apartment.

"Oh shh! I was supposed to have you ready 30 minutes ago and we haven't even started!" She yelled at the spy following her in.

"What are you talking about?"

"There is no time for that now. You need a shower." Wanda grimaced as she got close to her friend who spent the majority of the day sweating.

Shrugging her shoulders, Natasha did as she was told. Anything Wanda had planned would be better than wallowing in self pity about Steve. As she exited the washroom, Wanda sat her down and rushed through her hair and makeup and then held up a blue tight fitting dress.

"I'm not putting that on until you tell be where we are going."

"Trust me. You want to put on the dress." Wanda raised an eyebrow at Natasha and shoved the dress towards her again.

Glaring at her reading her facial features, Natasha slowly took the dress and walked to the walk-in closet to get dressed. As she walked out, Wanda clapped her hands and rushed her to the door. Walking to the street, there was a car waiting. Natasha got in first and turned to see Wanda was not following. Looking at her friend confused, she raised her hand silently questioning her.

"Don't freak out. I promise you're going to love it. Have fun!" Wanda squealed while closing the door.

"какого черта?" She cussed under her breath.

The drive was short. She looked up at the building in confusion before the driver handed her a card. She looked at him suspiciously as he got out to open her door and left her there. Natasha followed the instructions and went to the roof of the building. She stopped dead in her tracks at the view before her.

 She stopped dead in her tracks at the view before her

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"Hi baby." Steve had a huge smile on his face. "I know you thought I forgot about our anniversary, that's what I was going for. I didn't want you to be that mad though." Steve chuckled lightly as he took Natasha's hands in his own. "I love you so much. I honestly can't picture my life without you in it. You know, I was so afraid to ask you out? You dropped so many hints and I was afraid to ask because if you said no; my life would be over. If you weren't my best friend, my partner, my lover, I don't know what I would do. You weren't my first love, but I want you to be my last and greatest love. Natasha Alianovna Romanova will you marry me?" Steve lowered to his knee and pulled out a ring looking up at the woman he loves.

All was quiet as Natasha stared down at him. He started getting nervous. It felt like for ever before she spoke.


"Yes! You big dummy."  She practically yelled as she launched herself into his arms. Steve let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby."


какого черта means what the hell in Russian

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