Chapter Twenty two

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Dara POV



Run… It’s all I could think about doing at this moment, my mind understood perfectly but my legs wouldn’t move instead my tears did the talking.

“What’s going on here? Did she call you dad?” Seunghyun said breaking the silence.

“Dee, are you ok?” Jiyong asked, I hated when people saw me cry it made me feel weak and way to open. I couldn’t stand there any longer,

Finally my legs decided to listen. I don’t know where I was going but I honestly didn’t care, for me to get out of there and forget that I meant him was all I wanted right now. There was a balcony, I ran towards it and closed it behind me.

I can’t breathe… I can’t breathe… Panic attack… it’s back. My back was towards the door

“Dara…breathe, listen to my voice. Think of your happy place, relax. Just breathe” My dad said, I quickly turned around. Listening to what he told me, I relaxed and started breathing properly.

“Dara, listen. I don’t expect you to forgive me-I’

“You got that fucking right” I yelled.

“Don’t use that tone with me, young lady”

“Ooooh, I’m so scared. What are you going to do? Put me in time out?”

“Listen, I understand that you’re angry at me-I’

“Angry? Angry? No… Angry is an understatement. I’m freaking furious. You don’t know how I felt all these years, I used to get bullied because I didn’t have a father in the picture or because my mother had to show up for Father’s Day at school. Then mother would have drunk men sleep at our house thinking the pain would stop but never worked, one of them tried to fucking rape me one night and I screamed for you and you never came to rescue me” I cried.

“Dara. I’m sorry… I-I didn’t know”

“Of course, you didn’t. But let me guess, that’s the slutty secretary you fucked in your office when me and mother visited you at work?” I yelled, my temper is the worst.

“Dara, watch it. You’re on thin ice right now”

“FUCK YOU. I fucking hate you. You caused my mother so much pain that day, she cried every night for the past 2 months. She would stop talking and looking at me because I reminded her of the man that cheated on her with his slutty secretary. I bet you didn’t even love us, did you!?” I was breathing heavily, my dad broke, I got my temper from him.

“Park Sandara, don’t fucking say shit like that. I loved you and your mother with all my heart that I’ll die for you both in a heartbeat. Don’t ever think that I never loved you both. If I could go back in time and change what I did I would but I can’t. Every year for your birthday, who did you think would buy you new expensive name brand China tea sets? Or who send your mother expensive jewelry? I would send new undercover guards to watch over you and your mother. They would usually go to your recitals, and games to record you and show me how you’re doing in school and life. I wanted to see you but your mother wouldn’t allow me to see you, therefore she sent me a photo album of you growing up into this beautiful women in front of me” he said, I stepped back shocked.

“Y-You’re lying…that’s not true. Then what happened April 15 ,2008?”

“That’s when your team won championship for girls volleyball, 19 to 25. I wasn’t physically there but I was there all your life watching from behind. Please believe me, if you don’t…ask your mother it’s time she told you the truth, Please Dara find it in your heart to forgive me” he said, a tear fell from his face, seeing my parents cry made me always cry.

“You had a choice, To stay with your secretary and have a new life and family or find us and ask for forgiveness. We would have forgiven you but if seemed like you made your choice and who you wanted to be with. It was nice to know you Mr. Choi but it’s time for me and my friends to leave, thank you for inviting us, have a nice night, sir.” I said wiping away my tears. I walked passed him towards the door “Goodbye, Dad” I said not turning around, Opening the door Jiyong flung his arms around me for a hug, so did Bom and Chanyeol.

“I’m guessing you heard everything, huh?” I smiled weakly. They all look guilty, and nodded there heads. “So, I guess this means we’re step brother and sister?” Seunghyun said I smiled at him and gave him a goodbye hug “See you, Seunghyun” I said “Bye, dara” he waved to us goodbye.

We got into the car “Ji, do you mind…um…sleeping with me tonight, please”.

“Of course, il mio amore. Anything for you” he said kissing my hand. We reached home and I was emotionally distressed. Everyone took a shower and packed their things for tomorrow morning, I wore my sports bra and my hello kitty shorts and fluffy shocks.

Jiyong got out of the bathroom and stared at me “I don’t know if I should be turned on or laugh at the fact that you still wear hello kitty” he joked “Or maybe I should just do both” he said smiling. I rolled my eyes and flicked him off, “Careful, Dee. Your wish might come true” he winked at me.
I crawled into bed first then Jiyong followed behind me.

We laid there face to face “Are you, ok?” he asked. “No, Actually. I want to forgive him, honestly but he cheated on my mom, he hurt my mother really bad” I pushed the tears back. “You said you almost got…raped?” He asked, I took a deep breath “Yea, if it wasn’t for my noisy neighbor. One night my mom brought home a new guy, he’d been drink a lot. He told my mom to go buy more beers for him, so she listened and left me behind with the stranger. At that time I was 13, just beginning to develop, with my small breast and curvy body. Anyway I was sleeping, I made sure I locked the door but somehow he got inside and all I remember is screaming and calling for my dad, then my neighbor showed up with some cops. My mother almost went to jail if I didn’t help her and lied to the cops” I sighed deeply “ That son of a bitch, I should fucking kick his ass” Jiyong said tightening his jaw as his eyes turn dark.

“Ji, relax. For all I know that guy is still in jail”

“He deserves to get his ass kicked”

“Well, anyway lets change the subject, Mr. Hulk” I joked. “Mr.Hulk, huh?...l like it” he chuckled.

“You know you need to forgive him one of these days, right?”

“I know but I’m not ready yet, Ji. Maybe in time I will. Goodnight” I said yawning “Goodnight, il mio amore” Jiyong said kissing me on my temple.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the ring on my phone “Hello?” I said. “Is this Ms. Park?” The women on the phone asked.

“Yes, Who is this?”

“A nurse at Busan Hospital, there’s an emergency” Busan? Why are they calling me?

“What’s the emergency? What’s wrong?”

“It’s your mother. She had a heart attack the other day” she said, my tears were like a river flowing down my face.

“Alright, I’m on my way. I’ll be there tomorrow morning” I said hanging up.”Dee? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Jiyong asked, I got up and pack the rest of my clothes.

“My mother is in the hospital, I need your private jet to fly me to Busan”

“Alright, I’m coming with you” he said and I nodded.

Why is this happening to me?

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