Chapter Twenty Four

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Jiyong’s POV

I told Dara I’ll meet her downstairs, that I needed to talk to her parents which I really did, I know she’ll ask me about that but I can’t tell her the surprise yet.

She left closing the door, I heard her heels walking down the hallway. I turned towards Mr. Choi and Ms. Park, I’m getting really nervous.

“Is there something wrong, Jiyong?” Ms. Park said but I shook my head no.

“Mr. Choi and Ms. Park, I want your blessing to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage” I said, they both looked at me then at each other and smiled. Ms. Park squealed like a schoolgirl, Mr. Choi stood up and walked towards me and gave me a man hug. “Welcome to the family, Son. Take good care of my princess Jiyong or I’ll have your shriveled tiny balls on a platter” he smiled.

“With my life, Mr. Choi. I love your daughter with all my heart, I wouldn’t dare to hurt her. Thank you, please don’t shed a word to Dara” I said to them both “I have to get all the wedding preparations ready and-I” I cut her off “There’s no need Ms. Park, my mother is also a wedding planner. She’ll take care of everything, but you can help with the dress” I said Ms. Park nodded.

“Our lips are sealed. I just can’t believe she’s going to get married then maybe in the future have children, I guess my job is done now it’s your job now Jiyong” Ms.Jones said shedding a tear.

“When do you plan on asking her?” Mr. Choi asked “In November. At her birthday dinner” I said “Where’s the ring? You do have the ring right?” Ms. Park asked.

I pulled out the red velvet box from inside my jacket pocket, Slowly I opened the box. The way Ms. Park eyes lit up I knew she loved it and I had a feeling Dara will love it even more. “It’s her birthstone, I had it custom made by the finest wedding ring maker in Italy” I said, I looked at the time, Dara’s been waiting for me for 5mins.

“I’ll keep in touch with you Ms. Park and Mr. Choi” I said waving goodbye to her parents.

I hope she doesn’t reject she even ready? Am I even ready?

Dara asked me about the conversation, I put on that smile she hates so much then I turned towards her “Something you will find out sooner or later, babe”. Dara decided while we are in the car going to the airport to have a picnic instead of a home movie date, I love going on picnics. Every time when mom and dad had a day off at work they took me and Dongwook to go on a family picnic on the grassy fields.

Finally after a long plane ride, we reached home. “Would you look at the time. It’s already 8? How? To get to Busan it took nearly 3hrs, why did it take so long to get back?” Dara asked grabbing her luggage.

“While you were sleeping there was a storm ahead, therefore we had to take a different route. It’s late, how about you sleep at my house tonight?”

“Alright, but first I have to call Bommie and Chany. They must be worried sick about me” Dara said entering my house as I followed behind her.

I saw Dara standing staring at something on the couch while balling up her fist like she’s containing her anger. Walking over her I notice the wicked witch herself sitting on my couch drinking a glass of my wine.

How the fuck did she get in here?

“Kiko, what are you doing here? How the hell did you even get in?”

She looked at me with a wicked smile and darkness in her eyes “Now. Now. Is that how you to talk to your ex-fiancé?” she joked

“W-What does she mean ex-fiancé? You were engaged to her?” Dara said with anger.

“Stop putting foolishness in her mind, Kiko. No. I wasn’t engaged to her”

“Oh, he didn’t tell you? Dear, we we’re or did you forget? Our father’s planned it when we were born” she smiled. She loved seeing women in pain and anger mostly heart broken.

“Kiko, get the hell out of my house!” I yelled pointing towards the door. Kiko got up and shrugged and took the last sip of my wine. “See you again sometime, playmate and number 2” she blew a kiss and left out the door.

“Babe…l can explain”

“Explain what? How you lied in my face about being engaged to her? What does she mean by playmate? Wait…you. You didn’t? Did you? Did you sleep with her?” her eyes are showing dark green.

She’s so fucking hot when she’s furious like this…

“If you just let me explain I’m sure you’ll understand” I pleaded. Dara took a deep breath and sat down across of me, I hated when she rejected my touch it made me feel weak inside.

“Alright, yes we were engaged only because Dongwook rejected her engagement proposal and ran away therefore as the last son I had to take on his responsibility. I begged and pleaded my father not to make me marry her but to save the family business I had to go through with it. There was a way for me to get out of the engagement, if kiko slept with another man which in time she did therefore I was free. Now about the sleeping with her, trust me it was an accident. I was really drunk at mv 25th birthday Party and she came into my room I thought it was my girlfriend at that time until I woke up and she was in my bed. You have to believe me Dara  I wouldn’t lie to you” I said sitting next to her which she didn’t move this time.

“Fine, I believe you. But you should have told me sooner, Jiyong”

“I’m sorry, babe One more thing”

“What is it now? That you have another girlfriend? God help me if you do Jiyong because I will rip your balls off” she threatened.

“Actually yea, there’s this women in my life, she’s gorgeous, smart, independent. She has these big adorable hazel eyes but green when she’s hulk angry and perfect silky soft brown hair” I joke around, she gave me a stern look which turned into a playful smile.

“Is that true? Tell me more about this wonderful woman in your life?”

“Okay. Where do I start? Oh, she’s ticklish-I” I said tickling her, she had the most beautiful laugh “Also she’s sweet, kind, loves to be stubborn and childish-I” I smiled at her, she punched me in the arm playfully “And lastly she snores like a truck driver” I joked, running towards my room.

“I do not snore.” She yells chasing after me.

“Oh yea? I have the video to prove it remember”.

We ran around chasing each other then ate some food while watching an hour of television, after a while we both got tired and took a shower ‘separately’. I got into bed first then she followed behind me. I grabbed her waist to pull her back closer towards my body, the smell of her hair is intoxicating. Her body is so soft and warm against my shirtless body, I love it when she wears my clothes, it’s another turn on. Just looking at her makes me want her, and I want her badly.

I wonder if she know she talks in her sleep?

“…Ji…” she whispered. She’s dreaming about me?

“I…” I listened closely as she talks in her sleep.


Love?...Love? Is she going to say what I think she’s going to say?

“…You…” A huge grin appeared on my face.

She said it…she actually said it. She said she loves me! Now I know how she truly feels about me, I can’t wait to give her the engagement ring and her to finally be mine. She won’t remember what she said but surely I will… forever.

“I love you too, babe” I whispered in her ear. Then fell asleep peacefully with her in my arms, I could get use to this.

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