Chapter Twenty Six

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Quadruple update for you guys, Happy New Year🎉🥂 I wish you to be happy, healthy and stay safe everyone!!✊🥰



Dara POV

I couldn’t wipe this big smile of my face, it’s just too good to be true.

I’m engaged…l’m engaged. Holy crap I’m engaged! This is a huge step…What will our future relationship look like? Would we still be in love with each other?

I was driving home to get some of my clothes to spend another few nights at jiyong’s house. Unlocking the door, I slowly opened the door to Bom and Chanyeol tackling me to the ground.

“Ok. Ok. I missed you guys too” I smiled hugging them back.

“Please don’t leave me in this house alone with that she-devil. Yesterday she tried to kill me with a spatula” Chanyeol fake cried.

“Because you took all my damn cookies when I told you not to freaking touch them” she yelled at him. They both helped me up off the floor and started to bicker again.

“Anyway. Do you see anything different? About me?” I asked scratching my head with my ring hand. They eyed me suspiciously, I knew they were really thinking hard.

“You’re glowing” Chanyeol said

“You changed your hair color browner, nails, got an inch tall, also gained 5 pounds” Bom said I gasped.

This might take forever…

“No, sillies. Look.” I said pointing at my ring finger. Bom screamed jumping up and down for joy, Chanyeol look like he was about to pass out.

“YOU’RE ENGAGED?! OMG I’M GOING TO BE A BRIDESMAID!!” she jumped up and down like a child who ate too much sugar.

“Congratulations, dara. I’m so happy for you, If that son of a bitch billionaire hurt you I swear I’ll take him on a nice quiet joy ride to my parents old abandoned lake house” Chanyeol said bear hugging me, then Bom joined in.

“Please stay the night here. Better yet invite Jiyong, we could have movie night or go clubbing?”

I gave Bom a look, she knows I hate clubbing. “Fine. Movie night it is, I’ll go buy the junk food. And your favorite ice cream” she smiled grabbing the keys and Chanyeol then left out the door.

‘Bom wants to have a movie night celebration, there’ll be napoleon ice cream’ I texted Jiyong.

‘Sure, it’ll be nice to have a movie night with my  fiancé and her friends. How about we do it at my house? I have a huge private movie room in the basement’

‘Seems like a plan, we’ll meet you there tonight. Have a nice day at work’

‘It would be only if I could see your beautiful face’

I sighed, then went on my camera to take a selfie I noticed I was in my tank top and booty shorts. Anyway I snapped a shot of me making a cute silly face and sent it to Jiyong.

‘So beautiful, unique and all mine. This is my new lock screen, thank you for brightening up my day, babe . See you tonight’ I smiled at the text message and went inside my room for a nap.

“Dara? Dara? Wake up” Chanyeol said I yawned. “Sorry. I fell asleep but Jiyong invited us to watch movies in his huge private movie theater in his basement” I said getting up out my bed.

“He has a private cinema in his basement? I think our friendship just reached an extraordinary level” Chanyeol said wiping away a fake tear.

“Come on, let’s go now before the ice cream melts” I said pulling Chanyeol into the living room where I watched in horror as my best friend and my just found out stepbrother sucking each other faces.

I let out a scream they both stopped and stared at me “My innocent eyes… My sweet innocent virgin eyes” I said covering my eyes with my hands. “Oh, my eyes. I’m blind, oh the horror” Chanyeol said covering his eyes as well.

“Dara? I-I can explain” Seunghyun  cried, I let out a giggle.

“It’s fine, Seunghyun. I knew you guys would hit it off the first time you met” I smiled giving him a small hug.

“Really?...wait, you’re a virgin?!” he said shocked, I looked at him and nodded “You sure enough don’t look like one” he joked, I punched his arm playfully.

“And guess what?” I whispered in his ear. “Bommie is also a virgin but she likes to act slutty so people won’t notice” he smiled brightly and nodded.

Bon looked at us suspiciously “What are you guys whispering about? What did Ahjumma over here tell you?” she asked Seunghyun who said nothing but smiled.

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all, let’s go before my sweet ice cream melts” I said only grabbing my ice cream and left out the door.

We reached Jiyong’s house all the lights were off, he isn’t here yet and we’re locked out. I remembered the key he left under the flower pot three step away from the door.

“How do you know where his spare key was?” Seunghyun asked.

“He told me one night. But this is for emergencies or just incase I want to come over”

“Or late night sex” Bom singed, I rolled my eyes at her and unlocked the door.

Everyone stood at the door and looked inside the place with awe. “Alright then, place the bags of junk in the kitchen. I’ll be right back, I have a surprise for everyone” I left to jiyong’s room, I saw him sleeping shirtless, hopefully he has clothes under him.

Should I wake him? He must be exhausted after a long day at work.

I smiled at his sleeping body and left to take a shower. I came out with my body still wet and my towel loosely on me. It slipped my mind that Jiyong was still in the room with me, I bent down to pick up my bra and underwear, I heard a low growl.

I turned around to see Jiyong walking towards me, dark hunger eyes staring at me. “This is low even for you, Babe . If this is how you sexually tease, I quit, you won. Now you have to claim your prize” he said in his deep husky voice.

“M-My Prize?”

“I told you, you’d be playing with fire” he whispered against my neck as he slowly pinned me against the wall, he slowly lifted my naked leg up towards his waist, I could feel his harden friend poking my inner thigh. My mind was telling me to stop but my body wanted just this, it wanted him.

I couldn’t hold myself back anymore, I flung my hunger lips on his. He quickly picked me up bridal style towards the bed and got on top of me scanning my body with the towel on. “So beautiful, soft, warm” he whispered kissing me all over.

“Ji, we can’t. Everyone is waiting for us” I breathe out.

“I guess we’ll continue this in another day, Babe “ he kissed me then got up and left to take a cold shower.

I changed into my hearts footie pajama, I left Jiyong his matching one on the bed. “Sorry guys I took so long. Here.” I said giving Bom and Seunghyun  a matching blue clouds footie pajamas and Chanyeol his favorite batman pajamas.

Everyone thanked me and went to change into their pajamas, we all looked adorable, unlike Jiyong who looked like sexy hot model Greek god in his pajama.

I took pictures of everyone all together, making silly faces. I took one special picture with me and Jiyong together.

“This way, everyone” Jiyong said leading us to the basement, we stopped in front of a red velvet door that read ‘Jiyong’s Cinema’.

“Welcome to paradise” Jiyong opened the door, everyone gasped. “Bathrooms over there, Food and snacks over there. Enjoy. Oh and we’re watching the new ninja turtles movie” Chanyeol started fake crying.

“Chanyeol, are you crying?”

“Of course not, it’s allergies. This place is so beautiful, it screams man cave” he laughed.

I placed in the middle of the seat mine and jiyong’s ice cream, the movie started. Bom and Seunghyun we’re cuddled up together, I felt bad for Chanyeol, he was all alone in the back.

Time to get him a girlfriend…

When the movie finished everyone left home, me and Jiyong laid down in the movie theater cuddling with a soft blanket while watching movies.

“What’s wrong, Babe?”

He noticed something’s wrong?

“Oh. Um…lt’s just that Chany was alone back there, I’m going to find him a girlfriend”

“Your heart is always in a good place. That’s why I fell in love with you, you’re my opposite and I need something different in my life and your that different. You changed me into a better man, thank you”

“You were always a good man deep inside, you were just so scared to let it out also a bit tad stubborn”

“I love you, Babe”

“And I love you more Ji” we shared a sweet kiss and continued to watch the movie. I’m determined to find Chanyeol the one.

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