Chapter Three

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(Chanyeol and Jaejoong Picture)

Dara POV

"Ugh, Watch where you're walking you noddle"

"I'm so sorry" I said picking up the cup off the floor as soon as I looked up it felt like someone stabbed my heart, finally are eyes meet.

"J-Jaejoong?" I stuttered trying to hold back the hurtful tears.

"Hey, there Dara" He said eyeing me head to toe then back at me.

"How are you and-" I was cut off by Tiffany's squeaky voice in the background "Baby?! Are we still going to-"

"Oh? Hey there Cousin, How's your life going?"

"I-I've been fine and y-you two?" I stuttered I don't know how long I could stand here a talk with them before I burst out with anger and tears.

"You're lying cousin"

"N-No I-I'm not"

"Yes you are. You start to stutter when you lie, Come on I've known you from inside out silly we used to be super close when we were younger remember?"

"Well things change and sometimes the people most close to you" I snapped

"Ouch. Hurtful much? Anyway sweetie did you tell her the news?"

"What news?"

"We're in engaged" She squealed showing me the big rock on her left hand, it felt like my whole world had turn into darkness. My body started getting light like a feather. Thank goodness Chanyeol came right on time to rescue me "Come on, Dara. Let's go home" He said putting one of his arms over my shoulder as Jaejoong and Tiffany watch us leave, we started walking closer towards the door away from those two when Jaejoong had to say something to piss off Chanyeol "Take care of her man, watch out though she's a one crazy bitch" He yelled turning his back towards us as Chanyeol stopped on his tracks and lean me against the wall I watch as he made his way towards Jaejoong clenching his fists tight enough they could bleed. Chanyeol tapped on Jaejoong's shoulder as soon as Jaejoong turned around he was greeted by Chanyeol's fist, Jaejoong fell down on the floor as Tiffany tried to help him up oh he's going to get a really dark black eye this time. Chanyeol hosed me up and carried me in a bridal style all the way back to my condo where he tucked me into bed and the sleep took over.

I woke up to Chanyeol and Bom's stupid loud arguments in the living room. I forced myself up and did my morning business.

"Good morning" I said heading into the kitchen for some orange juice.

"Hi Dara" Bom replied

"Sup" Chanyeol said stuffing a whole pancake into his mouth like a pig.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well yesterday"

"It's fine Bom. I'm over it" I lied

"Yea she's fine just relax sis, I took care of that son of a bitch" Chanyeol said sounding so proud of himself, He sent me a little wink and I flicked him off.

"I wish I was there to see his face when you punched him. Ugh. I'm always missing on the good stuff"

"Hey guys we should go to Supermarket where out of some food, well a lot of food and snacks for me to eat" Chanyeol said opening and closing all the cabinets and refrigerator. Me and Bom gave each other a look then we both looked at Chanyeol who is still looking for more food to eat.

"I guess we should go" I said

"Yea. Alright it's settled then, everyone get ready we're off to the Supermarket" Bom said as we separated to our rooms to get ready. I wore my black pants, Oversize Violet sweatshirt, and my Vans shoes. Bom wore her black and white fitted dress, and white sneakers while Chanyeol decided to wear a black hoodie and a denim blue pants black sneaker.

 Bom wore her black and white fitted dress, and white sneakers while Chanyeol decided to wear a black hoodie and a denim blue pants black sneaker

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"Alright let's go, we'll take my car" I said grabbing my keys on the kitchen counter.

We reached Lotte Mart, walking inside we each grabbed a cart "Here while I was in the car I wrote down what we needed. Chanyeol you are assigned to get the snacks and please get the snacks that all of us will like,  not just you" Bom said handing him the list.

"Ok mom" Chanyeol joked walking away before Bom will flick him off.

"Ok now. We are getting the rest of the groceries" she said walking away as I followed behind her.

After walking through two aisles "This is taking forever, here take this meet me here when you find the rest" Bom said as I skipped away happily that she finally let me leave her side I was getting sick and tired of her making me choose which brand is better or more prettier but finally I'm free. I looked at the list :


Ice cream- Neapolitan(bucket)


Orange juice

Walking down the aisle for the last item on my list the ice cream I opened the freezer grabbing the last Neapolitan when a big man hand touch the ice cream the same time as I did, looking up I wish someone can come and shoot me now.

"Well, hello again" he said sarcastically

"Hello again, to you too Fucktard" oh this day just couldn't get any worse.

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