Chapter Ten

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(Picture of Minho)

Jiyong's POV

I sat in my penthouse office trying to do my work until there was a ring coming from my personal phone disturbing my peace, it was mom.

"Hi, Mom"

"Hello, Dear"

"What is it that you want mom?"

"Why can't I just call my beautiful meatball out of the blue?"

"Because you never do, unless you have something on your mind that has been bothering you and it's mostly always about me"

"Awh. You know me too well, my dear son" she laughed on the other line which made a smile appear on my face.

"So, what has been bothering you my dear mom?"

"Your date with Ms. Park this Saturday" she said as I sighed heavily

"I knew it"

"I'm sorry if I'm worried about my meatball. Anyway where will you be taking her?"

"Well, there's a baseball game this Saturday"

"A baseball game?"

"Yes, why? Is that a problem?"

"No, not at all. Why there?"

"Well, one day during her lunch break I heard her say how much she loved to go watch baseball games when she was younger with her Dad" I said there was a long pause on the other line.

"-Hello?" I continued

"Oh. I'm so sorry dear, I spaced out a bit. But I believe that is a wonderful idea, is that all?"

"Yes, it is"

There's no way in hell I'll tell her what's plan next after are baseball game, I know she'll go crazy with happiness.

"Alright son, I'll call again next time. Goodbye" she said hanging up the phone before I could wish her a farewell

The other day, I couldn't help myself from thinking about her beauty, it was like no other I've seen ever in my life, seeing her angry was a turn on as her hazel eyes turn bright green when filled with anger. I couldn't wait for our date this Saturday but I was also furious with that game of tag my cousin was playing the night of the charity case. I couldn't keep my eyes off her amazing body and it seems like everyone else had the same problem when she walked inside. More jealousy came when Donghae was flirting with what was already mine, I almost broke the poor kids body in two if he'd continued. I need to brand her before someone else with a death wish come and try to steal her away from me.

Look at me... I never got jealous of a woman before, what is this woman doing to me? She's changing me, my soul and heart.

Later I left my home to go have a 'talk' with my cousin about this date he had with Dara on Sunday, I don't know what he's planning but I will figure it out when I get there. Finally I reached his mansion door "Minho!" I yelled banging on the door loudly, but there was no answer. I knew that son of a bitch was home, all his cars were parked in front of his house and his lights were on and he always turned them all off before he left somewhere.

"Minho, I give you to the count of 3 to answer the door or I'll break it down with just one kick" I threatened

"1...2...-" I continued as a brunette opened the door cutting off my counting, she had his dress shirt on with no pants and her bra strap was showing. She looked at me like a bag of money giving me lust looks, I admit she was beautiful but not enough to waste my time on.

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