Please watch the video first before reading🥰_______________________________________
Dara POV
*2 Months Later*
(Wedding Day)"Are you ok, sweetie?" My mom asked outside the bathroom.
"Just feeling a little under the weather that's all..." I said wiping my mouth with a towel "-I'm feeling a little better now..."
"A-Are you sure? You've been throwing up since you got up this morning." She said eyeing me up and down.
"Yes, mom. It might just be sickness...or something" I said fixing my wedding dress. Yes, today is my wedding. I'm wearing a lacy off shoulder bridal gown.
The theme is spring, with colors of salmon pink, beige, and white. With a dash of orange because it's cute.
"Morning sickness" I looked at My mom with confusion.
"W-What are you trying to say? You think I might be pregnant mom?" I said sitting down, she nodded her head.
"Maybe...Maybe not. You have been picky about what you want and eat, and you sleep longer hours than usual"
"-How about I run to the corner store right quick and we take the test. The wedding doesn't start until-" she looked at her hand watch. "45mins. So we have plenty of time. I'll be right back, sweetie" she said grabbing her bag and keys quickly running out the door.
I might be pregnant...with jiyong's child? Pregnant...
Mom came back 10 mins later with a pregnancy test kit, "Here...Good luck" she smiled kissing my cheek. I took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom to take the test.
It says I have to wait 15mins, My bridesmaids barged into the room with bright smiles on their faces.
"I can't believe my little girl is getting married" Bom said
"I'm so happy for you. And especially happy that you didn't make me wear an ugly bridesmaid dress. But this is so cute, classy and sexy, I love it and you" Bom said hugging me.
"Well I can't let my partner in crime wear something hideous, now could I?" I smiled back, I heard the music playing. I turned towards my mom "I thought we had more time? Why are they playing the music now?" I asked she mouth 'I don't know'.
My father came through the door "It's time. Where's my little cupcake princess?" he said, everyone laughed. "Right here." I said putting my hand up and my head down in embarrassment.
"Awh. You look beautiful. Every father's nightmare, giving away their little girl" he said a tear fell down his face, I wiped it and smile at him "I'll always and forever be your... little cupcake princess. I love you, dad" he gave me a sweet smile and nodded.
Everyone awed at us, I turned to everyone and nodded my head to get ready.
"Deep breaths...Deep breaths, Dara. Don't trip. Just look at Jiyong but don't trip" I said to myself.
Dad hooked his arm around mine as we walk towards the door, the music got louder. Suddenly, the door opened slowly. Jiyong's mother did an amazing job, it's just how I wanted it, everyone stood up and looked at me.
I searched for Jiyong. I found him fixing his tie, then quickly looked up and made eye contact with me. He looked as nervous as I am, finally me and my dad reached the priest, he gave me a kiss on my cheek and left, then everyone sat back down.
I stood staring eye to eye, hand in hand with the man I despised then learned to love with all my heart, I'm so happy I found Jiyong, a broken, heartless man that I fixed within time.
The priest spoke "We are gathered here in holy matrimony..." he talked for 15mins.
"Where are the rings?" he spoke, jiyong's little cousin came slowly running with her brown curly pigtails jumping up and down as she held the pillow with our rings.
We thanked her, I took jiyong's ring and he took mine. We stared into each other's eyes, he grabbed the microphone and spoke first "...With this ring, I wed you Park Sandara" he said putting the ring on then passed me the microphone. As I was about to talk I noticed my mother quietly walking in with a bright smile on her face then she pointed at me then her stomach and rubbed it.
She mouth 'You're Pregnant'. I felt as if I was going to break down crying but instead a few tears came out, Jiyong looked at me and smiled while wiping away my tears.
"Beautiful woman on their wedding day, should not shed tears" he whispered.
I smiled "And with this ring...l wed you Kwon Jiyong" I said putting the ring on his finger.
"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs. Kwon. You may now kiss the bride" the priest announced. Jiyong quickly grabbed me and dip me, planting his lips on mine.
Everyone cheered. I picked up the microphone off the floor "Thank you everyone for being here. I have a surprise for everyone including my husband which I love dearly with all my heart-" I spoke, then I turned to Jiyong and put his hand on my stomach, he looked at me confused "-I'm pregnant" I said.
Jiyong looked at my stomach then at me and back to my stomach. "W-We're pregnant...l mean...Your pregnant...l mean we're pregnant?!" he yelled and I nodded. Next thing I knew I heard a loud thud, Jiyong was on the floor.
He fainted...
"Oh..My...Goodness Jiyong.... Babe, Are you ok? Can you hear me" I said crouching down at his face, lightly slapping his face, but he wasn't getting up. I used all my force and power and slap him so hard I'm pretty sure the whole city of Seoul heard it. Everyone went silent, Jiyong quickly woke up with fear and pain in his eyes.
"W-What just happened? Why does my face hurt and feels so hot?" he said touching his cheek.
"Well when I told you I was pregnant you... Fainted and well... I try to wake you up but you didn't wake up so I had to use force...l'm sorry I slapped you so hard I didn't mean to...A-Are you okay now?" I asked feeling guilty. Jiyong stood up and helped me up.
"l'm better than alright we're going to have a baby, babe. I'm the most happiest man alive, an Heir to Kwon Co."
I laughed "What if it's a girl?"
"She can still run the business, gender doesn't matter to me" he smiled, he kissed me.
"Let's go party" I said, he nodded and we exit the wedding hall, people throwing flower petals while cheering. I hugged everyone before entering the car, but I almost forgot about the flower bouquet I had to throw behind me for one lucky lady.
"Are you ready?" I yelled at the crowd of women behind me, they screamed yes. I threw the flowers behind me and the lucky person to catch it was no one other but my partner in crime, Bom.
All the women looked at her with jealous, honestly I don't even know how she caught it when she was standing in the corner next to Hanbyul and the rest of the bridesmaids. I laughed at the face she made, all the other bridesmaids were laughing at her. I got into the car and notice Chanyeol putting his hand around one of my college friends, Rosé She'd always prefer natural beauty which suited her perfectly, long brown hair and still the same height 5'4 ft, standing next to Chanyeol she looked like a smurf but a really adorable, cute smurf. They looked like a cute couple then he kissed her, I guess my matchmaking job is over when it never even started. I noticed Bom and Seunghyun together like always, my mom and dad talking seems like they are getting along.
The after party was unforgettable, especially when dad got really really wasted as started dancing the chacha and then tried to do a backflip but slipped and fell on his butt, everyone was laughing including himself. I danced with my dad first then Jiyong, then everyone.
"Everyone's happy...l'm happy" I thought rubbing my stomach.
Sorry if the update has been delayed I am just busy with online classes right now. Sadly to say but the ending is near last one chapter (epilogue) and we're done.

Rich in Love
RomanceKwon Jiyong has everything he'd always wanted and with the snap of fingers he gets anything he desires except for one thing... Park Sandara doesn't trust a man anymore after her boyfriend cheats on her with her cousin. Now you have Jiyong who is col...