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"Adalynnnnnn! Wake up!" Ginny whines as she shakes me, cracking my eyes open i have just enough time to mutter a shield spell before the twins dump a bucket of ice water ontop of me and Ginny. Thankfully the water freezes midair just above our heads making the twins eyes widen in horror and Ginny stair wide eyed at the water.

"Adalyn how did you do that?! Your wand is on the bedside table!" Ginny asks frantically, so im guessing its not normal to be able to do that, ive been able to do that for years now. i guess i thought it was normal but im guessing its not?

"Uh magic?" i say with a duh tone hoping that they will drop it but of course not.

"Your so difficult woman!" The twins whine in union making me and Ginny laugh.

"Seriously i thought it was normal but promise me you wont say anything guys" I sigh

"Yea whatever we wont say anything" Fred says making me sigh in relief, i dont need everyone thinking im a freak. Then remembering that they were going to dump water on us i grab my wand and with one flick of my wrist i throw the water back onto them soaking them from head to toe.

"Adalyn! Why did you do that?!" They both shriek while me and Ginny laugh

"Fred! George! Shut up whatever she did you two deserved it!" Hermione mumbles sleepily from a third bed in between Ginnys and mine that the must have put there last night.

"Thank you Hermione! Now will you two leave so us girls can get dressed?" I whine  earning a glare from the twins but never the less they both leave leaving us girls sitting on our beds quietly.

"So you guys want to get ready?" I ask getting excited smiles from both girls as we all jump up from the beds and head to get dressed.

Reaching into my trunk i pull out a pair of jean shorts and a dark red halter top with a white leather jacket and a pair of silver strappy sandals, i decide to pull my hair up into a high ponytail and curl it into tight ringlets and top off the look with some deep red lipstick and black mascara.

"Adalynn! I have nothing to wear can you help me!" Ginny cries from the other side of the room looking stressed, laughing lightly i pull out a pair of ripped black jeans and a white long sleeved lace shirt with a white tank top and a pair of tan ankle boots with a small heel.

"Try this on Harry wont be able to take his eyes off you" I tell her with a playful wink while Hermione just laughs, Ginny Visibly pales at the mention of his name making me laugh a little harder.

"How did you know!" Ginny whines as she takes the clothes and slips them on, the outfit looks way better on her than it ever did on me.

"I have my ways. Anyway that looks better on you than it does on me you cna keep it if you want" i tell her with a shrug making her eyes widen even more.

"That does look really good on you Ginny with a little mascara you will be irresistible" Hermione tells her with a huge smile as she pulls on a ripped white t-shirt and a pair of  charcoal grey ripped jeans and a pair of silver sandals, her hair lays in soft curls and she is wearing a light pink lip gloss.

"Thank you Adalyn i dont know what i would have done without you" Ginny says as she pulls me into a hug i wrap my arms around her quickly before i pull away and push her back until shes sitting on her bed.

"Hermione can you do her hair while i do her makeup please?"

"Yea i just finished with mine!" Hermione tells me as she moves to stand behind Ginny, pulling out her wand she mumbles a spell and when i look back down Ginnys hair lays in soft curls similar to Hermiones, walking back to my trunk i pull out my makeup bag and walk back over to Ginny. Deciding to keep it simple i add some shimmery white eye shadow and black mascara, topping it off with some light red lip gloss.

"You look gorgeous Ginny and if he cant see that then he doesnt deserve you, now lets go make our grand entrance shall we?" i ask with a huge smile, it feels nice being around such kind people and to have girls who are selfless and caring even though im a stranger.

"Lets go!" The girls laugh looping their arms through mine we walk down the stairs side by side where everyone was bustling around trying to make sure they had everything, Ron was the first one to see us and his eyes went straight to Hermione who seemed oblivious to the fact that he was watching her, soon we were at the bottom of the stairs and i couldnt help but notice how Harry watched Ginny making me smile.

"You look beautiful Adalyn dear" Molly tells me when she walks into the living room looking around Charlie catches my eye and sends me a smile before turning back to the twins.

"Thank you Molly-" i began but was cut off when Mr. Weasley walks into the living room.

"Alright, we better hurry if we want to make it in time to meet Mr. Diggory and his son!" Mr. Weasley tells us as he ushers everyone out of the house when Molly doesnt follow i assume shes staying home for some reason. We all walk outside and into the woods behind the house, i was pulled out of my thoughts when Ginny and Hermione walk up next to me.

"Diggory as in Cedric the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain?!" Ginny asks excitedly making me laugh and Hermione faun.

"I swear if you two keep it up im going to have to wipe drool off of your chins" I laugh loudly making them smack my arm i roll my eyes as they subconsciously wipe their chins.

After a few more minutes of walking chatting lightly with the girls an older man comes into view and walks over to Mr. Weasley.

"Ah Author its nice to see you again" The man says shaking his hand and lightly slapping him on his shoulder, i nearly shriek when a boy jumps from a tree and lands right infront of me.

"Oh my god!" I laugh placing a hand over my heart trying to calm down.

"Im so sorry i didnt mean to scare you!" He quickly apologizes, from the corner of my eye i can see the girls wink at me, restraining the urge to roll my eyes at their antics i turn back to him.

"Its fine honestly, my names Adalyn" I tell him holding my hand out for him to shake.

"Im Cedric, its nice to meet you Adalyn" He says taking my hand and bringing it up to his lips and kissing it making me blush furiously while he just smiles.

"Its nice to meet you too" I tell him honestly before he could reply his father told us we needed to hurry if we wanted to get there in time.

"Ill see you later Cedric" i tell him before turning around and walking back to the girls.

"Oh my god!" Ginny squeals quietly when i make it back to them making me roll my eyes.

"What he was just being polite since he nearly scared me to death" I defend halfheartedly sighing when Hermione takes a deep breath signifying shes about to rant.

"Just being polite Adalyn? You dont see him kissing anyone elses hands, honestly your as blind as a bat!"

"Fine! So what if he was flirting just because hes got a pretty face doesnt mean anything hes too cocky for my taste" i huff but the girls just smile making me groan, i just admitted that he was cute i mentally face palm.

"So you admit hes got a pretty face?" Ginny teases, gosh this girl never gives up i thought she liked my brother! My thoughts were interupted when a third voice chimes in.

"Whos got a pretty face?" George asks with a smirk making me groan knowing that if they tell him he wont ever drop it.

"Nobody!" i huff walking away from them, soon enough Charlie walks up beside me.

"Somebody has an admirer!" He teases.

"I swear if you start that to Charles i will make wish you were never born" i threaten making him laugh.

"Fine your secret is safe with me but never call me Charles again!" Charlie jokes throwing his hands up in surrender while i roll my eyes and laugh.

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