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"WHAT THE HELL! I knew i didnt like him for a reason!" i shout angrily while Damon looks amused, let me explain why im so pissed off. The amazing Victor Krum caught the snitch ending the game while we were too far behind so we lost, now im sitting in Damons tent venting. I told Cedric about Damon being my old friend from France and he told me i should hang out with Damon since i wont see him for a while.

"Your crazy Adalyn its just a game!" Damon laughs in a attempt to calm me down, just as i was about to reply heard a scream ripped through the endless partying coming from outside, looking at Damon he knew what i was thinking.

"Adalyn its not safe you are not going out there!" he protest

"Watch me!" I bite back pulling out my wand and running outside, looking up i can see robed figures flying above tents setting them on fire.

One of the figures rushes at a young boy holding what looks like an infant in an instant i raise my wand and stun them making them plummet to the ground. Rushing over to the little boy i take the infant from his hands earning a grateful smile from the boy.

"Take my hand im going to take you somewhere safe and i will find your parents okay?" I ask him, his only response was him taking my hand into his tiny one.

I apparate him to a house my mom had bought in france incase i needed somewhere safe to hide. "Listen im going back to help the others but i need you to promise me you will stay here i cant protect you and your sister if you leave, my house elf Abby will take care of you until i get back okay?" I ask earning a nod from the boy while Abby takes the infant from my arms and once again i apparate back.

Its a war zone here, there is fire everywhere the smoke burnt my lungs and screams ripped through the night sending a shiver down my spine. I stun every robed figure i can see and apparate more men women and children to my safe house than i can count but it doesnt seem to make a dent in their numbers even slightly soon i find myself standing amidst hundreds of burnt tents alone.

"Look who we have here, the forgotten and unwanted Potter" A raspy voice calls out from behind me, freezing midstep i turn around to find myself surrounded by atleast ten robed figures. In that instant i knew i wasnt going to make it out unscathed i was lucky if i made it out alive at this point but atleast the children would be safe that was all that mattered in this moment.

"Were going to kill you but lets have some fun first, there has to be a reason you were hidden away from your true identity lets find out shall we" One of them asks raising his wand "Crucio!" he yells loudly, as soon as the words left his lips a searing pain rips its way through my body making me cry out in pain. my body feels as though its on fire but i do my best to fight the pain. For what seems like forever the only sound i can hear is my own screams and cries of  agony. just before i was about to give up a bright white light emits from my body knocking the men backwards sending them flying through the air when they hit the ground not one moves a muscle.

Finally the darkness overcomes my vision. Just as my world is thrown into darkness i get a fuzzy feeling in my head before my surroundings suddenly change, im standing next to a lake surrounded by tall oak trees. I vaguely remember this place but i dont know from where. Out of thin air a tall redheaded woman appears next to me quickly followed by a dark haired man.

"Adalyn we dont have much time just know your father and i love you and your brother much more than you can ever imagine, now we must tell you some things before you wake up. Adalyn your not just a witch, before me and your father were married i fell in love with another man he was charismatic and handsome, before i knew what was happening i was pregnant with you, when i told him i was pregnant he reveled his true identity and left, Adalyn your biological father was a god, he would never tell me which one for fear of endangering you but he told me that you would be so much more than just a witch you would be a demigod " Oh  my god, i can feel tears welling up in my eyes the man i knew for my entire life as my father wasnt my real dad! Im some sort of freak hybrid. My whole life has been one huge lie, doing my best to hold myself together.

"No matter whos DNA runs through your veins Adalyn your still my daughter and i love you" my dad says with a smile before my mom starts talking again.

"We must go now, we love you and your brother so much and we are so proud you be your parents be safe Adalyn"  my mother tells me but before i could say anything i was suddenly pulled away from them by an invisible force before I could respond.

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