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Walking up the stairs i begin to feel much more tired than i was before, looking down i can see blood dripping from my makshift bandage. I guess its a little worse than i expected, finally making it to my room Sapphire immediatly flys over to my side. Pulling off my bandage i hiss in pain when i accidentally touch the cut, but as soon as the bandage was off Sapphire let a single tear fall right into the palm of my hand instantly the cut begins to close up.

"Thanks girl. What would i do without you?" a say gently rubbing her head while she sings a soft tune.

I slowly make my way to my bathroom despratly in need of a hot bath, turning the water on i dump some of my vanilla bath salts and bubble bath. Once my tubs full i trun the water off stripping out of my sweaty and bloody clothes, sighing when i sink into the warm water. Before long im drifting off to sleep.

"Wormtail get me the boy!" A raspy voice hisses from a room at the end of the hall where i can see the flickering light of a fire and a short round horrid looking man standing infront of a recliner chair.

"M-master i-i cant get to him hes being protected by Dumbledore!" The rat looking man cries, oh my god their looking for the spell books that my parents hid. The only person that would want to get to my brother that bad is Voldemort, i dont have time to figure out my other powers i have to move now!

"Fine bring me the girl!" Shit they know about me! I need to get to my brother fast. I take a few steps closer too the door catching a glimpse of what looks like a huge snake ew.

"Master with all due respect no one has seen her since the Quidditch match where she took out more than twenty of our men!" A second man who i recognize from somewhere but i dont know where its been so long. Suddenly the snake comes out of the room advancing towards me and before i can react it strikes me as i scream.

"Adalyn!" Annabeth shouts as she runs into the bathroom where im gasping for air shaking slightly still sitting in the tub.

"Here ill turn around and you can put this robe on then we can talk okay?" She asks softly handing me a fluffy black robe. Nodding my head shaking i stand up out of the cool water using magic to dry myself off before wrapping the robe around me.

"O-okay" i stutter out still shaking but not because im cold, these nightmares had stopped coming last year i though i was done with these but i guess not.

"I have to talk to my headmaster like now" I tell her walking past the boys who where sitting on my bed looking worried as i rush to my closet turning the light on shutting the door. Pulling out a pair of black leggings and a grey sports bra with a grey t-shirt with a cut out back i slip my clothes on still slightly shaking.

Walking out of the closet all three look confused sitting on my bed " Hes going after my brother and is looking for me, i need to let Chiron know what im doing and warn Dumbledore and my brother." I tell them watching them put the pieces together.

"Adalyn it was just a bad dream" Annabeth says while the boys agree with her, shaking my head i sigh.

"You dont understand ive had dreams like this before, its not just a bad dream." I say defiantly

"Okay but take a breath, if he is as evil and manipulative as youve made him out to be he isnt going to make his move now. Hes going to wait and watch for the right time so take a second to gather your thoughts." Percy says while the other two nod their heads in agreement.

"Your right, god i hate saying that!" I groan while they roll their eyes.

"We know Adalyn now you want to go talk to Chiron?" Annabeth offers, nodding i follow the trio out of my cabin suddenly aware of the setting sun as we walked towards his cabin.

As we reached the cabin my scar began burning causing me to let out a small gasp that unfortunately didn't go unnoticed. "Whats wrong?" Annabeth asks concerned as we all come to a stop with my clutching my jaw where my scar was burning.

"Its nothing my scar just burns sometimes" I sigh when the pain finally eased off, Percy gives me a worried look but never the less we began walking towards Chiron's office again. I noticed Percy occasionally glancing over at me, his face etched in worry.

"We will wait outside for you" Annabeth smiles softly as we make it to his cabin, light flooded the small porch from his office window making it easier to climb the steps in the fading light. Slowly i knock on his door, i hear the sound of papers being shuffled followed by the sound of heavy footsteps leading to the door.

"What can i do for you Adalyn?" Chiron asks.

"I need to speak with you, may i come in?" I ask him nervously, sensing my tense mood he nods opening the door wider allowing me to enter his office, as soon as the door shuts i take a seat waiting for him to sit as well.

"Whats troubling you?"

Sighing i begin explaining, "I get visions occasionally, and today i fell asleep and had another involving my brother and i. I came to ask permission to travel to Hogwarts to warn my Headmaster of an upcoming issue." I inform him still shaking slightly, i watch him nervously as he processes the new information.

"You may go but not alone" He caves and before he could utter another word i was out of his office and on my way towards Percy, Grover and Annabeth who turned to look at me at the sound of the door opening and my steps leaving the cabin.

Annabeth was the first to speak up, a hopeful expression on her face. "What did he say?"

"I can go but not alone, so whos up for a late night trip to a castle?" I ask and all three instantly break out in smiles quickly agreeing to go.

Looking back up at the dark sky i decide to bring a small overnight bag, "Guys bring an overnight bag its a good possibility that we may just stay the night to save us traveling at night." I tell them as we begin walking back to the cabins.

"Okay, we can meet up back at your cabin in twenty." Percy agrees, and we all go our seperate ways to beging packing.

As soon as im within the walls of my cabin i let out a sharp whistle calling Sapphire to me and grab a pad of paper and a pin from off of my kitchen counter quickly scrabbling a note,

Dear Professor Dumbledore

Im on my way to the castle as we speak, ive had a vision of some kind and its urgent that i speak with you. I appologize for not writing at a acceptable hour but im not sure its wise to with hold this information from you any longer than necessary. I believe it may be best to have Harry there when we speak as it concerns him as well, i should be arriving within the hour.

Sincerely Adalyn P.

Hurriedly i fold the note and quickly send Sapphire off to the castle with instructions to deliver the message quickly. Now that we wont be arriving unannounced i can go pack, i quickly make my way into my bedroom stuffing my essentials and a set of pajamas into a small bag before apparating into my living room to wait for the others to finish.

Looking at the clock i realize i have time for coffee, grinning i run into my kitchen and put a pot of coffee on. I swear i jumped ten feet off the ground when i suddenly caught sight of someone standing in my kitchen.

"What the hell Percy! You could have said something instead of standing in the shadows of my kitchen like a creep!" I shout choking down laughter, Percy just rolled his eyes laughing.

"Why would i do that when i can scare the crap out of you?" He asks raising an eyebrow in question.

Sighing i pour my coffee before "Your impossible"

"And yet you still keep me around" He grins grabbing another one of my coffee cups and pouring himself a glass.

"Only cause your a good teacher" I fire back with a grin, "Ouch" He gasps dramatically with a hand on his chest.

"And here i thought you kept me around for my great looks" He smirks, i dont even comment as i roll my eyes sipping my coffee.

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