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Sighing i stand up and walk to my bed room toting my shopping bags with me feeling useless as hell because i cant control my powers until i know what they are. Sliding out of my smelly clothes i pull on a pair of black spandex and a matching sports bra, and slide on my shoes before running down the stairs and into my kitchen. Opening my fridge i pull out a bottle of water and rush out of my cabin.

Once i make it to the training field its pitch black outside so i pull out my wand and create a small ball of light that i hover over the clearing emitting a soft light. Walking over to the practice dummies that Chiron had set up for us to practice our gifts.

Raising my hands i will anything to happen and for a few moments nothing does but suddenly i can feel a tingle in my hands. Focusing on that tingle i will it to grow and suddenly a bolt of lightning shoots from my hands hitting a tree a little to the left of the target. Smiling i begin to shoot more lightning each time it getting easier to control and after about an hour im hitting the target more often than not.

Sighing i grab my water taking a huge sip feeling refreshed, setting the bottle down i stand infront of the same targets that are now scorched and raise my hands shooting another bolt of lightning at the target hitting it square in the chest. Finally im getting somewhere with this whole thing, covered in sweat i turn to the weapons rack pulling out a recurve bow and a quiver of arrows walking to the paper targets on the other side of the clearing.

I slip the arrow onto the string and pull back, taking a deep breath i aim at the center of the target. Releasing the arrow it fly's from the bow hitting the target dead in the center, silently yelling in joy that i finally got something right the first time i fire off the remaining arrows in the quiver most of them landing in the inner two rings but a few stray a little further from the center but still are good shots.

By the time i finish shooting its well past midnight and i know i wont get any sleep tonight either, i nearly scream when i hear a voice from behind me.

"Do all witches not sleep or is it just you?" Percy says from the opening of the path that leads to the training area.

"Sleep doesnt help me control my powers and it doesnt help me protect my friends and family who are constantly in danger" i sigh hating the fact that im here while everyone i care about is out in the world possibly in danger.

"Adalyn you cant take care of everyone else when you dont take care of yourself" Percy says walking over to me with a concerned look on his face.

"Then what am i supposed to do because at this point im in this freaking camp to learn how to control powers that my dead beat dad gave me while my brother and everyone i care about is constantly in danger!" I yell angrily as tears cloud my vision. I hate the fact that i cant do anything to help them its literally driving me insane.

"Adalyn your not in this alone, i dont know what you've been told in the past but i can promise you that your friends and family understand why your here. You wont be doing it alone, now what can i do to help you with everything?" Percy says with a sad smile but i know deep down that my will to protect my friends and family will be the death of me.

"Can you teach me to use a sword?" i ask in a hopeful voice and he just smiles.

"Now that i can do come on ill teach you as best i can" He says with a smile leading me to the rack where all of the wooden swords were, pulling two out he hands me one before walking close to the edge of the cliff that the training area is on.

"Okay you dont want to be sloppy with your movements, move smoothly, let each swing flow smoothly into the next. Dont over think it let your subconscious guide the sword okay?" He asks getting into fighting stance while i copy his stance holding my sword with both hands tightly enough not to let it slip but loose enough that it can move freely.

"GO!" He shouts swinging his blade at my head but i duck just in time to miss the blade that whizzes past my head, I lunge forward to stab at his torso but he knocks my blade to the side sending me stumbling forward, not being able to recover in time he grabs my shoulders pulling me into his chest. Both of us are breathing hard but he holds me tightly in place placing his sword against my throat lightly i can feel his hot breath on my neck making it hard to focus.

I guess i forgot to tell him i took self defense classes and karate, i step on his foot making him loose his grip grabbing his arm i throw him over my shoulder but much to my disbelief he lands on his feat with a smile, using my shock against me he sweeps my feet from under me and pins me to the ground.

"That was good just dont get distracted and you will be fine" Percy says with a smirk holding out his hand to help me up which i take gratefully letting him pull me to my feet.

"You ready for round two?" He asks and i just nod my head smiling.

"Go!" Percy says as he lunges forward swinging his sword at my legs, on instinct i jump over his sword and land softly on my feet stabbing my sword at his chest which he deflects by bringing his own sword up pushing mine to the side barely missing his arm making me stumble forward slightly. Using my stumble to his advantage he swings his sword at my torso but remembering his words to not overthink it and just let my body take over i bring my sword up just in time to push his sword to the side using his own momentum against him.

"Good! Your learning Adalyn" He says with a smile as he swipes his sword at my head but i duck below the blade hearing the swoosh of air as it passes above my head. Sticking my foot out i sweep his feet out from underneath him but murmur a quick spell softening his landing on the ground enough that it didnt hurt him too much. I quickly place my foot on his chest and hold my sword at his throat.

"Damn you learn fast girl, that was good! Im proud of you" Percy laughs taking my hand letting me help him to his feat again.

"Thank you for helping me Percy, its getting close to sunrise we should get back to our cabins and clean up." I tell him walking to the swords rack and placing mine back into its slot. Remembering the dummies that i scorched i mutter a quick repairing spell and watch as the scorch marks fade away.

"Yea your right we probably should get a shower im sure i smell like sweat" He laughs as we walk back to our cabins.

"Yea you really do reek of sweat" I tease with a smile.

"I wouldnt know i cant smell anything other than your stench" Percy jokes with a playful glare making me laugh.

"Ill see you later, thank you for helping me i really needed it" I tell him as we make it to my cabin, he just smiles.

"Anytime!" He calls over his shoulder as we both walk into our cabins.

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