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Not long after we came up on a cliff with a single worn and tattered boot placed near the edge.
"Everyone hurry and grab on its about to leave!" Mr. Weasley yells, me and Charlie rush to grab on to the portkey along with everyone else except Harry who is still staring at the boot confused. At the last moment i reach out and grab his arm pulling him forward ignoring his protest  just before we are free falling down to the ground.

"Harry hold on tight!" I yell, he quickly take a hold of my arm while i pull out my wand pointing it at me and Harry i mumble a levitating spell and instantly we are floating slowly down to the ground below us i struggle to contain my laughter and Ron comes tumbling down the hill me and Harry just landed on, looking up i see Ginny and Hermione panicking as they free fall sighing i pull out my wand slowing them down so they land softly on the ground next to us.

"Oh my god! Thank you Adalyn!" the girls say at the same time making me laugh lightly

"Yea thank you Adalyn, I had no idea what that was" Harry says with a smile, good so far he doesnt hate me so thats a plus.

"Its fine guys, im just glad everyone is safe" As soon as i said that i look up to see Cedric, his father, Mr. Weasley, Percy and the twins walking on the air like stairs slowly down to the ground while we all just stair at them in awe. Once everyone was on the ground Mr. Diggory and Mr. Weasley led us to a set of large metal gates  where they showed a burly man our ticket who then opened the gates and let us through. The moment we step through the gates laughter and loud voices fill my ears making a smile grow on my lips, i walk slightly away from the others to get a better look at the stadium.

"Adalyn! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after the game ends we can play some of the games they have set up if you want" Cedric asks as he rushes up next to me making me smile slightly.

"Yea id love to, where do you want to meet up at?" i agree with a happy smile, i have to admit he is cute and it wouldnt hurt to have one night of fun would it.

"Um i can pick you up at your tent if youd like?" He asks with a smile that gives me butterfly's, dammit stupid stomach stupid butterfly's i cant catch feeling! Not after what happened last time.

"Yea thats fine, i better go the others are waiting for me ill see you after the game ends" looking behind me i can see the others chating lightly most likely waiting for us to finish our conversation.

"Okay ill see you later" He tells me with a smile, we walk back to the group where Ginny and Hermione are staring wide eyed at me, we say quick goodbyes with the Diggory's before Mr. Weasley leads us down a series of tents until he stops at a small white one and ushers everyone inside.

"Alright everyone inside girls on the right boys to the left Molly made snacks for us if anyone is hungry they are all in the kitchen! The game starts in an hour yall better be ready or ill leave you!" Mr. Weasley jokes, stepping inside its much much larger than it is on the outside they must have cast a spell to make it this large inside. There looks to be a full kitchen, living room, and bedrooms.

"Ginny Hermione we need to get in spirit for our teams!" I yell reaching for my small bag i brought that was filled with makeup and facepaint, both girls instantly smile and we all rush into a room.

"What team do you guys support so i know what colors to give you" i ask dumping out my bag that i had placed an extedable charm on to make it fit everything.

"Bulgaria!" Hermione says with a proud smile making me happy to not be the only one that supports them here.

"Same! My whole family loves them

Pulling out myed lipstick and a red eye shadow pallet i walk over to Hermione who was sitting infront of another mirror fixing her hair. Sitting down next to her i reapply my lipstick and hand it to Hermione who applied a thin coat to her lips before setting it back down and pulling out her own eye shadow pallet.

"So, what was Cedric talking to you about?" Ginny asks with a suggestive smirk making Hermione choke down her laughter.

"He was just asking if i wanted to hang out after the game, its not a big deal" i mumble quietly ask i continue adding a dark shade of red to my eyelids before blending the corners out with black making a perfect ombre effect, just when i was beginning to think they had dropped it they started to yell.

"Adalyn's going on a DATE!!!!!" They yell in perfect union no doubt catching the attention of everyone in the tent, groaning i bang my head against the vanity i was sitting infront of.

"Whos going on a date?" Fred asks as he pokes his head into the door with a mischievous smirk on his face giving me an unsettled feeling in my stomach, groaning i bang my head on the vanity again letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Adalyn's going on a date!" Hermione giggles making Fred look at me with a huge grin on his face that didnt sit well with me, why cant they just believe me its not a date.

"Oh reallyyyy with who" Fred teases with a huge smirk.

"Its not a da-" Before i could finish Ginny inerupted me

"Cedric!" she tells him with a huge smile on her face, while Fred stands in the doorway looking shocked, oh dear lord hes going to make a huge deal out of this i can already tell.

"You have the hots for-" He never got to finish his sentence because i had pulled out my wand and casted a silencing spell, Ginny and Hermione stared at me eyes wide and Fred frantically tried to talk but to no avail making me laugh.

"Yep were done picking on you! You and him are just hanging out definitely not a date!" Hermione shrieks earning a frantic nod from Ginny.

"Good now i hope you like being seen but not heard Freddy because im not taking it off go find someone else to do it, next time remember that i may look innocent but im more evil than you and Georgie combined" I tell him with a laugh making Fred glare at me but he couldnt help the proud smirk that fought its way onto his face

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