Twenty one

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"Miss Potter, since your paying such focused attention tell me, what would I get if I mixed basalisk venom, boomslang skin and verita serum?" Snape asks with a smug look, rolling my eyes I set down my quill that I had been using to draw and stare right back at him. "Sleeping potion sir" I respond with a light smirk, his ever present scowl deepens as he ignores my answer and simply turns to Malfoys table praising him even though his potion was bright green when it was supposed to be silver.

"Nice job" Fred smirked earning a glare from Snape who angrily scribbled on the board. "This class makes me want to avada kedavra myself" I groan, rolling his eyes he laughs and i find myself wondering if Damon is coming with the other students. i miss him even if it has only been a short while since i last saw him. Im pulled from my thoughts by the scraping of chairs against the dungeon floor, glancing up i quickly gather my things.

"Are you okay? You seemed a little out of it towards the end of class" George asks as we make our way towards the entrance to the castle to welcome the other schools. "Yea im fine just tired, training has kicked my ass." I sigh dramatically and the twins grin linking their arms through mine as we walk. "Are you sure you wernt thinking about lover boy back at camp?" Fred teases and i groan. "Hes just a friend i dont see the big deal plus its obvious he like Annabeth, he just doesnt know it yet." I grin, ive been thinking about it over the past few days and while we have something its more of just a friendship not romantic.

"Whatever you say Potter" George grinned as we waited on the other schools arrival. Soon students started shouting and pointing to the sky, "Look it's a carriage!" Some of the students shouted and I watched in awe as it ascended I glanced over at Fred who was staring at me with a grin. I turned back and watched as the familiar carriage pulled by winged horses. "Is Damon coming?" Hermione asked as she settled in next to George. "I'm not sure, I hope so but then again if he comes so will his imbecile of a brother" I groan and she fake gags making us both laugh.

Madam Maxime in all of her giant glory stepped out of the carriage where Dumbledore greeted her kindly. I watched excitedly as Fleur and several other Beauxbatons girls stepped down in sync, I nearly ran to the carriage right then and there when I spotted a familiar tall oaf strutting out of the carriage. I can't believe he's here! His eyes scan the crowd most likely looking for me and as soon as he spots me he breaks formation and bolts towards me. Grinning I run towards him quite literally jumping into his arms just happy to see my best friend again after everything that happened.

"Adalyn! Come on madam Maxime has been talking non stop about her star student leaving." Damon grinned leading me to the Beauxbatons school group where my old head mistress watched us with a faint smile.

"Madam Maxime it's a pleasure to see you again" I smiled. "It's a pleasure to see you as well miss Potter, I hope all is well?" She asked kindly and I nodded before turning back to Damon.

"How have you been?" I asked pulling my cloak tighter around me as the wind whipped violently around us. "I've been fine, what about you and the issue?" He asked quietly and I shrugged slightly. "It's okay I guess I've made some friends at camp and Annabeth trains me after school everyday so besides having like no social life things are good." I chuckle and he laughs shaking his head.

Before long Durmstrang arrived and we all headed inside and were seated for dinner, before anyone had time to begin eating Dumbledore stood gaining the attention of all the students. "I would like to extend a warm welcome to Beauxbatons and durmstrang schools for joining us to participate in the Triwizard tournament." He began "Now I would like to present Cornelius Fudge to explain all rules for participation in the tournament."

Fudge stood in front of the schools trying to seem important as he fixed his robes and cleared his throat before speaking. "As many of you may know the tournament was discontinued many years ago due to the dangers champions were exposed to however the ministry and I have worked tirelessly to create safe and daring tasks for the champions to complete." He spoke as he paced nervously, " each school will have two champions who will complete each task separately and their scores will be averaged. To enter your name you must be of at least seventeen years of age as to ensure the safety of each competitor." He finished, grinning I turned to my friends who cursed when they realized many weren't of age yet.

"Are you putting your name in?" I ask Damon who nods enthusiastically, "what about you?" He asks and I nod as well.

"That's so not fair, Fred and I won't be seventeen for a few months!" George groaned frustratedly making me laugh, "Dude don't get your panties in a twist, maybe you can find a way around it" I offered and they grinned mischievously, finally I'm able eat dinner and pile my plate with the different assortments of food.

Soon I began to tire and left for our dormitory, I nearly fell from my bed when a shimmery apparition appeared in-front of me. "Adalyn? Thank gods it's you I need to talk to you" Annabeth sighed sounding excited yet nervous just the same.

"Yea of course what's going on?" I ask still confused as to how she contacted me. "Um Percy kissed me, and I think I like him too but if you li-" she began but I squealed and cut her off.

"Oh my gods it's about time he manned up and kissed you, I think the whole camp was waiting for it to happen!" I grinned and relief flashed across her face. "So your not mad?"

"Why would I be, him and I are just friends and I'm happy for the both of you!" Annabeth smiled and giggled happily on the other side of the message. "So how is school? Did Damon show up?"

"Yea, he did. And school is okay, except one of my professors absolutely hates me for NO reason!" I rant.

She sighs and thinks for a moment before responding. "Why don't you ask him, I mean you've been there less than a week you couldn't have done anything to piss him off yet"

Before I could respond the door to my dorm opened and Ginny and Hermione came in giggling. Sending an apologetic smile to Annabeth I quickly say goodbye and the image disappears. "What are you two giggling about?" I ask with a smile.

Hermione playfully glared at the younger girl as Ginny began spilling out the events of dinner. "You should have seen Hermione and Krum making eyes at each other!" She squealed. Hermione went beet red in the face and I laughed, I had seen them making eyes at the beginning but I'm assuming it only got worse after I left.

"So you and Krum?" I ask slyly.

"Oh hush!" Hermione giggled wacking me with her pillow. After a moment I recovered and launched my pillow at her, before we knew it we were in an all out pillow fight. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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