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Finally i had some peace and quiet to finish my makeup.  i add some winged eyeliner and put some black eyeliner on my waterline finishing off the look with some ruby encrusted hoops. Stepping back from the mirror i look really good, satisfied with my handy work i stand up and look at the girls who were finishing up thier makeup too.

"You guys almost ready the game starts in half an hour and we have to leave early so we can get snacks to last us through the game" i ask hoping they are almost done because i really want some snacks and a drink.

"I just finished do i look okay Adalyn" Hermione asks looking anxious, both me and Ginny turn to look at her.

"Hermione you look gorgeous, and so do you Ginny now lets go get some food because im starving!" i say making them laugh.

"Okay okay were coming jeez woman! I wonder if Fred has gotten the spell removed yet?" Hermione says making us all laugh.

"I hope not, have you noticed how quiet it is since i put it on him?" Both of them stand up after applying the final touches to their makeup, reaching into my bag i pull out my wallet that has my galleons in it before following the girls into the living room. Walking into the living room i can see the twins and Charlie all sitting on the couches talking about whos going to win the world cup, well Charlie and George are talking Fred is sitting silently looking bored. Deciding to be nice im going to take the spell off.

"Fred are you going to irritate me and get into my personal buisness anymore?" i ask him making him furiously shake his head while the other two look at me confused before it finally clicks and they burst out laughing.

"Y-you did that?!" Charlie gasps out in between his spurts of laughter making Fred glare at him.

"Yes i did!" i tell him proudly making the girls snicker while Fred continues to pout, pulling out my wand i mutter the counter spell making Fred sigh in relief.

"Remind me never to piss you off again!" Fred laughs, happy to finally be able to talk again.

"What did he do to make you do that" George laughs while Charlie looks just as curious, figuring that they wouldn't stop until i told them i decided to spill the beans.

"Cedric asked me to hang out with him after the game and Fred teased me about it being a date which it isn't and continued pestering me. so i decided that he couldn't be annoying if he couldn't talk thus i silenced him"

"Anyway me and the girls were going to grab some snacks do you guys want anything?" I ask the three boys.

Can we get some chocolate frogs and popcorn?" George asks earning a nod from the other two.

"Yea we'll meet you guys at the entrance to the stands with the snacks, try to stay out of trouble" i tell them earning a mock salut from Charlie and an eye roll from the twins, turning around i follow the girls out of the tent. Looking around i can see hundreds of tents lined up with young children running around giggling and playing while the adults watched them closely, to my left there is a group of kids riding small brooms flying over a group of tents laughing loudly.

Smiling i turn back to the girls who were looking around at all the people just as i had been doing when a very familiar voice drifted into my ears making my blood run cold.

"Guys come on now!" i hiss as i grab the by their arms dragging them to the food stand that was set up not far from our tent they both looked utterly confused but still followed me but i wasnt fast enough the devil reincarnate spotted me. Turning around i can see his tall lean frame with his raven black hair sat messily on top of his head and his bright blue eyes that i fell for but now i would happily dispose of him where nobody would find him

"Adalyn! Its nice to see you again, how have you been?" Alex asks with his fake smile that i know all to well, the girls seem utterly speachless but they dont know him like i do. I can feel the hatred boil inside of me and soon enough im seeing red.

"I wish i could say the same, and ive been great now that i dont have to hang around you and your stuck up family" I hiss back not missing the shocked expression on the girls faces while Alex looks amused.

"Im sure your mother wishes you had been taught some manners" He retorts knowing that my parents are a sore spot for me after everything ive been through.

"Oh please the best parts of you ran down your moms leg" I snap, my blood boiling but he just glares at me while the girls choked on their spit.

"You bitch!"

"Oh please ive been called worse Alex" I sigh getting increasingly bored with this encoutner but he always did have the need to get the last word, sensing that this was private the girls walked back to the tent leaving me with satans spawn.

"Oh really like what you little slut!" Alex grits out making me smirk at how easy it is to get to him.

"Your girlfriend" i laugh watching him go red, he is literally shaking in anger but i didnt care it was time for someone to put him in his place. Unable to contain my anger i walk furiously back to the tent not wanting to deal with him anymore, pushing my way through the crowd i finally spot our tent and rush inside. The girls, Charlie and the twins were all sitting on the couches staring at me like i had grown a third head.

"We didnt want to leave you there but it seemed personal and we didnt want to seem nosey, how did it go after we left?" Hermione asks softly walking up to me and pulling me into a hug, calming my anger slightly though my hands were still shaking, the boys look utterly confused as to what happened and look slightly concerned.

I quickly recount the whole encounter and by the end the twins were dying laughing on the couch and the girls were ready to kill him.

"Im so sorry we left you there Adalyn! I cant believe you dated that pig!"Ginny appologises pulling me into a hug, Charlie looks furious.

"Guys honestly its okay hes just a dick, now can we please just go and get some food before i hunt him down and do something that i probably wont regret?" I ask hoping i can put it all behind me but when have i ever been that lucky.

"Yea, we'll see you guys when the game starts!"Hermione says to the boys as we walk out of the tent, as soon as we make it outside im hit with the smell of food making my mouth water.

"Hurry guys im starving! If i dont give my stomach something to eat my stomach will eat me!" i whine making the girls laugh at me and a few strangers give me strange looks, ignoring the weird looks i grab the girls arms and drag them through the crowd to the food stand. Coming to a stop infront of the stand i turn around to face the girls who are shooting me death glares because i just dragged them through a sea of people.

"Adalyn! You didnt have to drag us here we can walk just fine on our own you know" Hermione whines making me laugh, ignoring her complaining i turn to the stand nearly having a heart attack when i do.

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