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"Dumbledore should be here any second he left to go and get your brother" Mrs. McGonagall smiled softly as she waiting in Dumbledores office with us, we got to Hogwarts about five minutes ago and shortly after we made it she had let us into his office and now were seated on a couch across from his desk waiting.

As soon as i heard the door open i was out of my seat and pulling my baby brother into a hug, "Good to see you again little bro, thank you for meeting with me and such a unconventional time" I nod to Dumbledore who sent me a kind smile.

"Who are they?" Harry asks nodding to the couch where my friends sat.

"Thats Annabeth, Percy and Grover their some friends from back at camp. Guys this is my brother Harry" I smile, after everyone finished with introductions we all sat down and i began explaining my dream.

"Harry whats wrong you look like youve seen a ghost?" I ask him concerned as to what was running through his mind.

"I had the same dream" He sighs, his eyebrows creased in worry, if were seeing the same thing then this is serious and im not sure if we will be safe anywhere.

Dumbledore looked increasingly more worried when he found out we both had saw the same thing, this whole situation has me on edge my hands fidgeted with my wand as i waited for Dumbledore to say something.

"Adalyn, i think its best that you come back to Hogwarts i will talk to Chiron about sending a camper over after your classes to help train you. Were going to need you to have full control over all of your abilities. You will begin normal classes Monday and for the next few days until then you need to focus on figuring out your gifts and gaining control over them as best you can. I have a gut feeling things are going to go south very fast." He sighs, well thats just great now im in classes all day and working on controlling gifts i dont know about!

"Okay, is it okay if we stay here tonight?" I ask and he nods, i have no idea how im going to manage to do everything but at this point i dont have any other options.

"Harry you can show them to the Gryffindor tower, if either of you have these dreams again you are to come straight here." He tells us as we leave, suddenly my mind drifts to the twins, Ginny and Hermione.

"Harry hurry up! I want to be able to see my other friends before they go to sleep!" I grin excited to see everyone even though its been less than a week, Annabeth rolls her eyes as Harry groans but never the less picks up his pace.

Suddenly he turns his glare fixed on me "You werent that excited to see me!" he accuses jokingly.

"Oh shut it and open the door before everyone goes to sleep" I demand with a grin, Harry chuckles leading us into a red and gold themed living room. I pause when i spot two red heads sitting on the couch talking completely oblivious that anyone had came in.

"Shh" I whisper before running up behind the couch jumping over the back landing in the twins lap who let out the girlyest of screams, "Adalyn!" The twins shout in unison pulling me into a hug.

As soon as im freed by the two dorks the Harry and the others come into the living room all taking seats on the many couches and chairs. "Fred, George meet Annabeth, Grover and Percy their friends of mine from camp" I smile enjoying being around my friends for a little bit without having to train or work on school.

"So does this mean your back for good?" George asks with a hopeful expression, "Not exactly basically ill be here during the week and i go back to camp on the weekends to train." I sigh suddenly feeling the stress of everything going on, in less than two weeks ive found my brother i didnt know i had. Ive moved countries, found out that im some hybrid freak, been tortured and now im being hunted along with my brother.

"Thats awesome, you will be here for the triwizard tournament!" George tells me excitedly, great what the hell is that!

"What is the triwizard tournament?" I ask nervously not knowing if i really want to know, "Its a competition between Hogwarts, Beaubations and Durmstrang." Hermione chimes in grinning like a cheshire cat with Ginny right behind her.

Grinning like an idiot i run to my best friends pulling both girls into a hug at the base of the staircase, "Whos the hottie?" Ginny giggles quietly glancing over at Percy who was deep in a conversation with the twins.

"Thats Percy, hes a good friend of mine from camp. Percy, Annabeth and Grover meet Ginny and Hermione." I smile watching as everyone begins chatting like old friends, we sat there for what felt like hours everyone laughing and sharing stories and before i knew it i had fallen asleep sitting on the floor next to Percy.

"Awe arent they so cute?!" Someone whispers, i can faintly hear what sounds like a camera go off causing me to snuggle deeper into my pillow but freeze when i become aware of the fact that my 'pillow' is moving slightly.

My eyes fly open revealing all of my friends standing around me grinning, glancing down i mentally face palm i had been snuggled into Percy's chest and as much as i hate to admit it that was the best nights sleep ive gotten in a while.

"Im never going to live this down" I groan, trying to sit up only to be pulled back down by two arms around my waist causing the group to burst out laughing and i prayed that they didnt wake him up but since when is a Potter ever lucky?

"What are yall laughing about" Percy groans, his eyes cracking open slightly widening when he realizes he had been clutching me to his chest, he quickly released me and i could feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Sorry about that" He smiles awkwardly as we both stand up, his cheeks tinted pink matching mine no doubt.

"Well arent you two just cozy?" Fred mocks and i flick my wrist silencing him, while everyone laughs, i risk a glance over at Percy who had walked over to Grover and was watching the scene unfold grinning.

"I hate to rush off but we have training this morning but ill be back monday for classes" I sigh not at all ready to leave my friends, "Okay be safe sis i love you" Harry smiles and i pull him into a hug before saying a quick goodbye to the girls, just as we were about to leave Percy stopped giving me a weird look.

"Arent you going to take the spell off Fred?" He asks, glancing back at the idiot who was glaring at me from the common room i shake my head.

"Nope, he'll get it off eventually" I tell him with a shrug causing Grover to laugh, once we were all holding hands i quickly apparated us back to camp.

So i just want to say thank you to everyone who has read my book so far i honestly didnt expect anyone to read it and mostly wrote it to entertain myself so thank you for the support! Also word for the wise dont ever trust box hair dye... I tried to dye my bleached hair dark brown and now i have practically black hair🤦‍♀️ Anyways im sorry for the spelling errors i was trying to get another update out and honestly im just too lazy.

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