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Walking into my cabin i head straight to my room, heading into my bathroom i turn my shower on quickly stripping out of my sweaty clothes and stepping into the warm water. Letting the heat relax my muscles i stand under the water for a few minutes before i finally move to wash my hair. After i finish washing my hair and body i shave and step out of the shower wrapping a fluffy red towel around my body once again using magic to dry my hair.

Brushing my hair i put it into two french braids and climb into bed, at least ill get a few hours of sleep i think as i close my eyes.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring, groaning i climb out of bed trudging into my bathroom. After brushing my teeth and washing my face i  put on some mascara and red lipstick. Stepping out of the bathroom i walk to my closet and pull out a black sports bra a black loose fitting tank top with a pair of black sports shorts. Changing into my clothes i slide on a pair of black Pumas.

I nearly yell when there is a knock at my window looking over i can see a white owl perched on the window sill, walking over i open the window letting it in, taking the letter from the owl i sit on my bed opening it.

Dear Adalyn i just wanted to see how you were doing? Were going to Hogwarts today apparently there is something happening this year, Malfoy one of the bully's let it slip that there was something happening. Ill keep you updated on whats going on here when i can. Everyone misses you Damon left the morning after you did to go back to France and Charlie went back to work in Romania. Promise me your being careful i cant wait for you to visit!


Your brother Harry

Smiling i pull out a piece of parchment and a quill deciding to write him back now while i have time.

Hey Harry i miss you! Its kind of fun here ive made some good friends but its not the same, promise me that whatever happens you will stay out of it Harry you have a tendency to get into trouble and i wont be there to help you. Ive learned to use a bow and a sword and i figured out one of my gifts. I can shoot lightning from my hands but its hard to control sometimes but im getting the hang of it. Tell the girls that i miss them and i will write to them soon! Be safe and keep me in the loop with whats happening, if anything looks fishy i will come straight there i promise!


Your amazing sister Adalyn

Folding the letter up i hand it to Harrys owl who was drinking from a bowl i set out for Sapphire when i moved in, the owl soon took off out of my window carrying my letter with it. Sighing i walk down stairs to my kitchen putting a pot of coffee on. Soon i was sitting on the back porch i just found out i had drinking a cup of coffee watching the sun rise.

"Adalyn where are you!" Annabeth calls from somewhere in my house.

"Back porch!" I shout back to her, sipping on my coffee waiting for her to come out here.

"Dang girl you got one nice view" She says looking out at the lake, the sky was a little cloudy but still nice out.

"Thanks" I mumble chugging the rest of my coffee.

"Whats on the to do list today?" I ask hoping it wasnt anything boring or i might just fall asleep.

"Well fist we have breakfast then were going to practice sword fighting" Annabeth says with an excited smile, just as i said that Percy and Grover walked outside onto my porch.

"Hey guys, you ready to go to breakfast?" I ask with a smile.

"Yes! Im starving" Annabeth says standing up dragging me with her, laughing we all walk inside and through my house and outside.

"Adalyn why was there an owl outside your window this morning?" Percy asks as we walk to the breakfast area.

"My brother sent me a letter apparently there is something new happening at Hogwarts this year" I tell him as we sit down waiting for everyone to get here so we can give our offerings and eat.

"Maybe its good news?" Grover says with a hopeful tone.

"When it comes to my brother i know better than to expect something good to happen to him, he has almost died every year since he was eleven" i say with a stressed sigh.

"Dang your brother attracts trouble!" Grover adds making me laugh as i nod my head in agreement.

Soon everyone had shown up and we all lined up to give our offering to the gods, as i dumped my pudding into the fire i silently prayed that i would figure out my other powers soon so i could leave to help my family and friends back home. Little did i know my father was listening from Olympus.

"Alright kids gather around! I want you to pair up and use real swords this time now remember try not to kill anyone it really is alot of paper work okay?" Chiron says with a laugh, soon everyone was paired up Annabeth was paired with Percy and i was with a tall muscular blonde boy ive seen around camp a time or two.

"You ready?" The boy asks as we both get into fighting stance, i simply nod my head before launching myself at him thrusting my sword at his stomach, he easily deflects my blow pushing my sword down into the dirt. Stepping back we circle each other like a predator stalking it prey, i notice his muscles tense right before he swings his sword at my side. Bringing my sword up i parry his blow before sending my own at his thigh too fast for him to deflect cutting a shallow gash in his leg but he doesnt even flinch.

He raises his sword bringing it down at an angle above my head. To keep from dying i raise my sword with one hand and use my other to grab the tip of the blade just before his blade crashes into my sword, i can feel the blade embed into my hand and the warm trickle of blood down my wrist as we both struggle to gain the upper hand. Using all of my strength i push up with both hands cutting into my hand even further but successfully  pushing him backward. Wrapping both hands around the hilt of my blade i use his moment of weakness against him kicking him in the chest knocking him backwards, i place the tip of my blade on his throat only removing it when he admits defeat.

Holding out my good hand i help him back onto his feat sending him a small smile.

"Hey im sorry about your hand i can take you to the infirmary if you want?" He says looking guilty.

"Its not your fault, ill be okay its just a little blood" I tell him whistling loudly hoping Sapphire was around but after a few minutes i knew she must have been hunting.

Taking off the wide headband i put on after breakfast i use my blade to cut it so i can tie it around my cut to stop the bleeding, but before i could grab my sword Chiron walked up to me.

"Take a break  thats a nasty cut on your hand, i would say go to the infirmary but that phoenix of yours can heal much faster than our nurses can when your hand is better you can come back down if you want" Chiron says in a tone that leaves no room for argument, nodding my head i apparate back to my cabin deciding to get some sleep while Sapphire hunts.

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