christmas with them

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! ❤️❤️ i hope you've had a good day, and if you don't celebrate it than happy holidays!

ps: i got a little lazy 😀

-you and your family stay over at the d'amelios house for the night
-getting her jewelry and dunkin gifts
-binge watching christmas movies
-lots and LOTS of cuddling
-getting up in the middle of the night to grab hot chocolate and snacks
-getting shushed by dixie from the room next door when you guys start laughing and giggling too loud

-sleeping over at the d'amelios
-playing games with the family
-filming the most random and weirdest shit at 3 am and posting it on your spams
-gifting her a homemade bracelet with your guys's initials
-dancing to christmas music
-slow dancing to slow music
-getting a little tipsy 🤫
-overall a very fun day

-your family and hers go to a resort to avoid the cold
-spending most of your time swimming in the pool
-gifting her new clothes and a necklace you know she's wanted for a while now
-baking christmas cookies
-making food together for everyone
-filming a yt video of it all
-dance breaks of course
-sneaking out after everyone else falls asleep
-going to the jacuzzi (ifykyk 😏)

-going over to her apartment
-you guys don't do anything too extra
-baking christmas desserts
-gifting her some new expensive and fancy makeup
-driving around the neighborhood looking at the houses with christmas lights and rating them
-watching the polar express, elf, and the nightmare before christmas
-making out every 10 minutes
-doing each other's makeup
-falling asleep in each other's arms

-she comes over to your house
-a few other friends are invited but you guys stay with each other the entire time
-doing secret santa but still gifting her some new jewelry and a photo album of you two
-everyone gets a little drunk, some more than others
-christmas karaoke
-you guys go into your room alone after the party becomes too much for the both of you
-kicking out the rest of the girls and putting on some slow songs while cuddling

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