la di die , nessa barrett

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"holy crap." y/n stared at her phone with her hand over her mouth.

ally @user179304

jade marie @user8632
lose em how you get em

ty @user5329
lmfaoo i lowkey feel bad

y/n wasn't sure how to feel. she has had feelings for nessa for a long time, and she hated jaden- but this wasn't how she wanted things to go.

before she could even text nessa to ask if it's true, her front door bell rang. y/n wasn't expecting anyone, but walked over to the front door anyway.

she peeked in the doors fish eye hole to see who it was.

"ness?" she opened the door to a red eyed nessa. she immediately let her in the house and closed the door.

"im sorry, im just a mess and i didn't know what to do." nessa sniffled.

"no no, it's fine. i just heard about it, how are you feeling? do you want anything?" y/n rubbed her back to comfort her.

"no im fine but thank you, i just didn't wanna be alone. im sorry for just bursting in."

"don't be sorry, im glad you came over. i'd rather help you than let you be alone."

"thanks y/n, you're a really good friend." nessa cracked a smile. y/n could practically feel her heart crush a little when she said friend.

"of course. do you wanna go in the room and just watch movies or something? i have ice cream." y/n grinned.

"yeah that sounds great." nessa smiled softly.


"can i be honest?" nessa suddenly said out loud. y/n paused their movie and looked at her.

"yeah, of course."

"i don't think i'm as upset as i should be. i'm more hurt that he did that to me rather than breaking up with him. i think i just feel betrayed, but i honestly didn't love him like i thought i did."

"i know that makes me sound like an asshole, but it's the truth."

"i don't know what to say ness, i wish i could help but i haven't been in your place so i'm not sure how i could relate."

"no no, it's fine. i just wanted you to know that." nessa gave her a tiny smile. y/n looked at her confused.

"what do you mean?"

nessa shook her head with a smile and turned back to the tv. y/n did the same, still confused.

seconds later, she felt nessas hand hold hers. their fingers intertwined, and nessa made sure to give her hand a squeeze.

y/n finally realized, and her eyes went wide.

"just give me time." nessa whispered with a small smile.

"o-okay." y/n turned back to the tv, eyes still wide. she unpaused the movie and focused on it again. she gave nessas hand a squeeze to let her know she understood.

this was definitely not know how she imagined this day to go, but it was definitely more than alright.

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