surprise , charli d'amelio

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y/n stepped onto the d'amelios front porch with a giddy smile, excited to finally see her girlfriend after months without seeing her.

she couldn't bare being apart from charli, she missed her to death.

what charli didn't know was that her girlfriend was back to LA, after months of being apart. y/n wanted it to be a surprise for her. she had her suitcase in one hand, and her phone in the other.

hey dix! :
i'm on the front porch

oooop okay,, there's a key under the rug
charlis in her room

thank you sm for helping with the surprise

of course :)
now go get the love of your life <3

y/n took a deep breath as she put the key into the keyhole, feeling different type of emotions rush throughout her. nervousness, excitement, love.

"fuck it." she muttered under her breath and as quietly as possible, stepped into the house.

she spotted dixie leaning on the kitchen counter, waving at her excitingly, still holding a finger to her lips as if to say shh. y/n nodded and gently dropped her suitcases on the floor, giving dixie a quick hug as she made her way to charlis room.

y/n's eyes were already pooled with tears as she opened the door. there charli was, sitting in her desk on an instagram live.

it was like they were in a teen romance movie, everything seemed to slow down for the two.

y/n and charli made eye contact and charli widened her eyes as she realized who she was actually looking at.

"Y/N OHMYGOD!" the smaller teen sprang out of her chair, almost tripping over it, and jumped into her girlfriends arms.

"i missed you so much."  charli sobbed into y/ns ear. the two were bawling the eyes out of happiness as they held each other tightly, afraid of letting go.

"i missed you way more love." y/n whispered back as she leaned her head on charlis shoulder, still having her in her arms.

"awh, you guys are cute or whatever." dixie laughed as she held her phone to y/n and her sister.

"get out dix, give them privacy!" heidi scolded from the corner.

"hi mrs.d'amelio." y/n grinned at charlis mom as she waved.

"hey sweetie." heidi smiled before dragging out dixie and closing the door.

"oop, sorry the lives still going on." charli giggled as she wiped her tears and said a quick goodbye to her live and ended it.

"that's definitely gonna be on tiktok room." the pair laughed.

y/n looked at charli for a second before they both leaned in and shared a deep kiss. to them, no one else in the universe existed by them. it was like it was only the two of them. y/n was also pretty sure she heard fireworks in the distance while they kissed.

"you do not know how much i missed doing that."

CHERRY LIPS, tiktok girlsWhere stories live. Discover now