new years kiss , addison rae

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tw: drinking and cursing if you're a wuss

y/n <3 • @y/n/ln
to everyone who's in a relationship, fuck you

alexa • @willthew1se
retweet 🤝

charli d'amelio • @charlidamelio
sucks to suck❣️

dixie 🤍 • @dixiedamelio

addison • @whoisaddison
yeah 😔😔

y/n sighed and put her phone down on the counter. she was extremely bored, not to mention jealous of all the happy couples around her.

sway had thrown a party for new years and the only reason why she accepted their invitation is because she thought she'd have someone to go with by the time the party rolled around.

obviously, that wasn't the case.

sweaty bodies swayed all around her, drunk off their ass. everyone was having the time of their life, while she played animal crossing on her phone. y/n huffed as a girl with long blond hair and a dress shorter than a dwarf bumped into her.

"watch where you're going." the girl sneered at y/n, walking away before y/n could react.

"what a bitch." she muttered under her breath as she got up, deciding she'd be better off outside for some fresh air.

she gently sat down on a patch of grass, careful to not get her dress dirty. it was rather peaceful, the moon was shining and the stars were as bright as ever.

"mind if i sit here?" y/n looked up to see a girl with brown straight hair smiling down at her. she nodded with a small grin and turned her head back into the direction of the moon.

"there's too many people inside. felt like i was suffocating." the girl chuckled. y/n peered over at her and nodded in understatement.

"yeah, not to mention how there were couples sucking each other's faces off." the two laughed.

she's pretty.

"my boyfriend was supposed to be here with me tonight, found him making out with some daisy chick." the girl laughed, though the pain could be heard in her voice.

"that sucks, i'm sorry. he doesn't deserve you." the girl only nodded, but smiled in gratefulness.


"huh, guess i'm not gonna get the new years kiss i hoped for so badly." y/n chuckled as she picked at the grass next to her.


"same, i was actually excited."


"hey, i never got your name." y/n reminded as she looked over at the girl.


"addison. addison rae." addison grinned at her.


"i'm y/n, y/n l/n." she smiled, her breathing getting heavier as addison inched closer to her.


"well y/n, can i ask you something?" addison smirked.


"go for it."


"have you ever kissed a girl?"


"oh i- i uh-


"happy new year y/l." was the last thing y/n heard before addison leant forward and connected their lips. she was frozen for a second, but melted into it once she got the hang of it. addisons lips tasted sweet, almost like honey, against hers.

"happy new year!"

"that was...

"...amazing." addison laughed out, catching her breath.

"happy new year addison."

"happy new year y/n."

happy new year yall 🥸 i wanted to do this for an abby imagine but i figured addison imagines get more views, and i actually like this chapter so

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