blueberry , amelie zilber

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"you know, when you said if i wanted to hang out- this wasn't exactly what i had in mind." y/n looked blankly at her best friend, amelie, who was holding two boxes of purple hair dye.

"come on! it'll be fun! it'll be a pretty damn good story to tell." the blonde reassured her.

"that it will." y/n said, grabbing one of the boxes from her.

"fine, but if my hair falls out it's your fault." y/n finally gave in, i mean, who could say no to someone like amelie?

"yay! i'll get the supplies ready!" amelie cheered as she ran into the bathroom. some ruffling could be heard before amelie popped her head up from the doorway.

"well don't just stand there, come on!" y/n groaned but walked into the bathroom anyways.


"my head feels like it's gonna fall off." y/n complained as the two looked at themselves in the mirror. the dye was already put on, now all they had to do is wait until they had to wash it off.

"i think that's what it's supposed to do." amelie shrugged.

"oh! let's take a picture!" in seconds, the blonde ran out of the room and seconds later she ran back in with a pink polaroid in hand.

"come on, scoot closer to me." she ordered as she stuck out her arm like a selfie.

"pretend i said something funny." the two started "laughing" but soon the fake laughing turned into real laughing and amelie took the chance to click the button.


"i think it's time to wash it off now." amelie stated after a couple of minutes. y/n nodded and stood up, walking over to the shower.

amelie helped wash out y/n's hair first, but she wouldn't let y/n see it until they both washed it out. y/n then washed out the dye from amelies head and together they turned around to face the mirror.

"it looks- great." y/n faked smiled at her reflection. it wasn't bad, it just looked strange.

"come on, let's dry it first- it'll look better then."


"see? it looks good now!" amelie cheered as the two (pretty 😏) best friends looked in the mirror.

she wasn't lying, they really did look good.

"yeah, it's gonna get a while to get used to though." y/n joked.

liked by ameliezilber, avani, and 305,470 othersy/nl/n: the pretty best friend ‼️‼️

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liked by ameliezilber, avani, and 305,470 others
y/nl/n: the pretty best friend ‼️‼️


ameliezilber: <333

user1: aye why her hair look like that
willthew1se: shut the fuck up

user2: shes so pretty

user3: hey lol

user4: idk pretend i said something funny i got lazy lol

not edited

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