italy , abby roberts

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requested by @thatbasicgaybitch

THE CREW WERE all in italy at the moment. since the countries they lived actually listened and social distanced, the situation got better for them and they could now travel.

during the time they were there, abby and y/n had finally confessed their love for each other. they were head over heels for each other and everyone knew it. they were surprised how long it had taken them to confess their feelings. and ever since they did, they've been inseparable.

"what do you wanna watch?" y/n questioned her girlfriend- oh boy was she glad she could finally call her that!- as she looked through countless of movies on netflix.

"the bee movie." abby smiled as she laid comfortably on y/n's chest, hearing her heartbeat.

"your wish is my command." y/n joked in her impersonation of abbys accent, knowing it always managed to make her laugh. and it did, just as she expected.

"you're such a loser." abby smiled softly as she looked up at y/n. the movie had already started, but the two were looking at each other deeply, mesmerized like it was the first time. y/n leaned in like she was gonna go for a kiss, but pulled away last second with a laugh as she noticed the disappointment on abbys face. the blue eyed gurl rolled her eyes jokingly and turned away from y/n.

"baaaby." the y/l/n girl pouted as she tried to get her girlfriend to turn back around.

"nope." abby said, popping the p loudly.

"i was just kidding angel!" she huffed when she didn't hear a response. with all her strength, she got on top of her and pinned her down so she had to make direct eye contact with her. y/n smirked as she saw her girlfriends red flustered face from the position they were in.


"woah, kinky." the two snapped their heads over to jorge, who was standing at their now open door with an amused expression. y/n quickly got off of abby.

"it's not what it looks like, j!" the two tried to explain. it didn't matter, jorge had already walked out of the room, yelling about how y/n and abby "were going at it".

after a couple of seconds of silence, the two burst out laughing loudly, probably for a good minute. once they did stop, they laid back down in their original position.

the next couple of hours consisted of them binge watching movies and cartoons, sharing laughs and kisses. and they couldn't ask for a better place to be at.

i don't rlly like this one but uh, yeah-

not edited 😸

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