here for you , nessa barrett

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i doubt anyone would do this but please refrain yourself from commenting anything bad about nessa, i understand if you don't like her, but saying mean things makes you just as bad. reminder she is still a person with emotions just like the rest of us ! <3

TW: s*icidal thoughts.

"NESSA BABY, I'M back!" y/n shouted in a sing song voice as she walked into their shared apartment door. she put down the bags she was holding on the floor and called her girlfriends name again.

"ness baby?" she walked upstairs quietly. y/n could hear loud sobs and muffled whimpering coming from their room. she rushed to the room and opened the door quickly, already knowing what she's gonna see when she does.

"i'm here baby, i'm here." she grasped onto the smaller girls body as she shook heavily.

"i'm here." she whispered soothingly into the girls hair.

nessa calmed down after a couple of minutes, cuddling into y/n's side with a sigh.

"are you okay?" she muttered as she stroked her hair.

"i'm fine." the short girl whispered back.

"when is someone who says i'm fine ever fine?" y/n laughed sarcastically.

"what if they're right?"

"what if who's right?" the y/h/c girl questioned with furrowed eyebrows. nessa pulled out her phone and opened an instagram dm.

Lol just kill youreself alredy nobody likes you 😂🙄💖

y/n's blood started to boil and she had to fight the urge to throw the phone across the room.

"fuck them haters ness, don't listen to them. they don't know you personally, i do. yes, you've made mistakes but you've changed. i know you're a good person." y/n comforted the girl.

"maybe i should just go ahead and jump off a building." nessa laughed sarcastically, ignoring what y/n had said.


"i mean, that's what everybody wants right? for me to slit my wrists in the tub and die?"

"take 20 pills at once and not make it?"

"buy a gun and blow my head off?" at this point, the girl was yelling and crying hysterically. y/n tried her hardest not to cry as she shushed the girl and hugged her tightly.

"don't ever say that shorty, you hear me? you are worth it. you're the best thing that's happened to me. don't listen to the haters, don't let them get to you. focus on what your friends, family, supporters, and i say." she smiled weakly at her.

"i love you." y/n finished sadly.

"i love you too, thank you y/n, i don't know what i'd do without you." nessa smiled with glossy eyes. she really was grateful for her girlfriend, she didn't know what she would do without her. or where anyways.

"i think i'm gonna take a break from social media."

"i think thats for the best." y/n smiled at her, wiping the tears off both of their cheeks.

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y/ny/l/n: appreciation post for the baddest and strongest bitty i know, i love you so so, SO much ness. don't let anyone else bring you down bae! <3

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