bday , addison rae

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me updating??? a MIRACLEEE.

also, i forgot who requested an addison one shot but this is for you :)))

"sorry i couldn't be there for your birthday love, corona is a bitch." y/n frowned as addisons face popped onto her phones screen.

"it's fine, it's not your fault." addison reassured her, even though she too, was upset that they couldn't be together.

y/n leaned up to her phone screen and smooched the camera. much to y/n's joy, addison laughed lightly and kissed her phone too.

"so what are your plans for today?"

"we're going for dinner later, but for now i'm just laying in bed." addison smiled.

"well, that's good. i'll be making you a cake!" y/n cheered as she grabbed her phone and sat it up against a jar so addison would get a full body view of what she was doing.

"a cake?" she laughed as y/n started getting the ingredients.


"are you sure you can...bake?" the brunette stifled a laugh.

"it hurts to see my own girlfriend underestimating my skills." y/n feigned hurt and put her hand over her heart.

"i'm just saying! but you do you darling."


"baking is so fucking dumb whoever invented is a fucking dumbass and i wish the worst for them." y/n complained as she pulled a fully burnt cake out of the oven. addison started laughing loudly at her, and y/n couldn't help but laugh a little too.

"i told you."

"shh, i can still fix it." y/n wagged her finger at her phone, determined to not give up.

"how- oh honey no, please tell me you're not gonna eat that."

y/n was sprinkling the cake with some rainbow sprinkles. she then added a lot of whip cream on it, topping it off with some chocolate hershey syrup.

"see! it's pretty now!" y/n smiled proudly as she looked at what she made.

"i don't think you should-"

it was too late, y/n had already taken a bite out of it. the two froze, addison watching intently to see how she would react.

y/n tried to smile, but only a gag came out and soon she was spitting out the slice of cake- desperately trying to get the taste off of her tongue. addison tried her best to not laugh. after all, she did all this for her.

"that tasted like actual fucking pussy oh my god." y/n breathed out dramatically with wide eyes. she looked slumped and disappointed in herself.

"hey, it's fine. thank you for trying love, i really do appreciate it." addison grinned cheekily at y/n who had pink tinted cheeks now.

"of course, happy birthday addi."

lowkey gave up on that ending but heyyyy

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