i love you , nailea devora

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requested by -AMELIEZILBER- 🖕

short one 😁

"what the fuck was i doing?" nai laughed loudly as she and y/n stared at her computer screen where she was editing the video they'd recorded hours prior.

"you? look at me! i look fucking constipated." the two snorted.

"i'm keeping that in, it's funny." y/n rolled her eyes at her girlfriend jokingly. theyd been laughing an editing the video for about 45 minutes now and it was now 2:39 am.

"well, i don't know about you but i'm tired. let's continue editing it tomorrow yeah?" y/n offered. she could tell nailea was tired too, and they both could use the sleep.

"fine, but only because i don't wanna have these big ass eye bags at our flight house interview tomorrow." she groaned, putting her mac on the nightstand next to her.

y/n grinned and stuck her arms out for nai to be engulfed in.

"oh fuck it." the black haired girl threw herself on y/n as the two laughed in a state of euphoria. they loved each other to death and everyone could tell.

everything went quiet for a couple of minutes and it was only their soft breathing that could be heard for a while.

"i love you loser." y/n smiled as she combed her hands through nais hair.

"you're so sappy, it's disgusting really." nailea replied half asleep. y/n couldn't tell if she was joking or not so she stayed quiet and tried to drift back to sleep until she heard nai whisper something back.

"i love you too y/n."

yeah i don't rlly like this one

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