baby pictures , charli d'amelio

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requested by -D0BRIKS ! <3

"OOOOOOOO WHO LIVES in a pineapple under the sea?" the screen played.

"SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!" charli and y/n sang a long loudly and happily as they giggled at each other. a bowl of frootloops laid on y/n's lap, lucky charms and a dunkin iced coffee on charlis.



"CHARLI!" heidi yelled from the outside of the room. charli groaned and got up from the bed, y/n laughing slightly.

"yes mom?" she opened the door, revealing heidi with a basket of clothes.

"this- oh hey y/n, i didn't know you were here." mrs.d'amelio greeted the girl.

"hey mrs.d'amelio!" y/n waved cheekily at her.

"call me heidi, please." she smiled at her.

"charli, this room is a mess! i cant believe you let y/n see your room like this." heidi scolded the younger d'amelio sister.

"it's fine mrs- heidi. i really don't mind. plus, i can help charli out with her room." y/n smiled at her. heidi smiled back at her.

"you are truly an angel y/n, but you don't have to. you can come back later when charlis done cleaning this mess-

"no mom please! i want y/n by my side." charli argued. she looked at her girlfriend sheepishly and turned back to heidi.

"please?" she begged. heidi sighed, giving in.

"fine, fine. just please don't get distracted." she walked out of the room, leaving the two girls alone inside.

"this is gonna be so much fun!" y/n beamed as she got up from the bed to hug charli.


time skip brought to you by lil hoodies 🍤

"this is so boring!" charli groaned as she flopped down on the bed in defeat.

"char, it's been five minutes." y/n giggled at her.

"five minutes too many!" the young girl complained.

y/n shook her head in amusement and picked up a box that was under charli's desk. she opened it up, curious to see what was inside.

"aww!" the y/h/c cooed as she realized it was pictures of charli as a baby.

"what?" the d'amelio girl asked, getting up to see what her girlfriend was looking at. y/n heard her girlfriend groan from behind her.

"don't look at those bub! they're embarrassing." charli plopped down next to her, sitting on the floor.

"look how cute you look in these char!" she teased, causing charli to groan. out of the corner of her eye, charli saw the picture. the one she'd always wanted to get rid of, but her parents never let her since they thought it was cute. y/n noticed her looking at something, and took the picture before charli could.

"baby no!" the d'amelio girl tried to snatch the ociture out of her hands but the y/e/c girl had already seen it by the time she took it away.

y/n had started laughing uncontrollably, not being able to hold it in. her back fell on to the floor and she thought she was gonna piss her pants. charli covered her face with her hands in embarrassment but a few chuckles came out of her.

the picture was a photograph of charli as a baby who seemed to be running around, naked, with whipped cream on her chin.

"okay, okay sorry." y/n finally called down after a couple of minutes.

"this is so embarrassing." charli groaned.

"no, it's cute. you're adorable." y/n pecked her cheek with a grin. the two looked at each other.

to say they were in love was an understatement, they were frickin' soulmates. everybody knew that.

they slowly leaned in, and as their lips were about to collide, dixie walked in.

"hey guys!" the two pulled away quickly and awkwardly as the older d'amelio walked in.

"i'm gonna need some help learning how to do this dance, char?" dixie grinned at her younger sister. mouthing a quick sorry to y/n, she got up and tried teaching dixie the dance she was trying to learn.

and as y/n say there watching her girlfriend try her best to explain the dance, she knew she was the one.

i'm not too sure how i feel abt this but eh <|3
also can we talk abt how charli dresses like a whole alt baddie now 😎👌🏼

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