𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 35

158 13 2

Author pov

It's been 2 days since Hoseok left the house

And there's been some changes

"Yoongi hyung... you need to eat" Namjoon knocked his door

"Didn't I told you I don't want to fucking eat?"

"But hyung it's been 2 days, you'll starve" Jimin's voice was added

Yoongi gave them a bitter laugh

"I'll starve then"

"H-hyung please?"

Yoongi softened when he heard Taehyung

Yoongi took his way upstairs

He was about to go straight to his room.but he heard something

"Taehyung I'll be by your side forever"

"B-but won't you leave?"

It was a pause

"No actually i-it's okay hyung-""

"Taehyung I'm sorry..."


"But this is what I have to do.. for you guys"


"Don't worry Tae..... I won't let go of my promise"

Hoseok made a big promise with Taehyung

But it's not going to be true..

"Well i-if you wanna eat we're downstairs" Jimin said

Yoongi heard many footsteps and he knows that they are gone


They were eating quietly, no one dared to talk

It was dead silent u til they heard a door creak open

They looked upstairs

"H-hey uhm-"

Yoongi looked away

"Hey hyung, let's eat" Jungkook said

Yoongi smiled then sat down


He looked at the mirror

"This is not me."

He fixed his clothes then someone called him

"Hoseok! Tomorrow will be coronation day, you'll be an actual prince now!" Dawon smiled at his little brother

"Yeah... That's- so great"

"Hoseok what's wrong?" She sat beside him

"Noona, I just want to go home"

His tears fell

"This is so new, this is not the life I lived before"

"Hoseok are you saying that you don't want to be a prince?"

Hoseok slowly nodded

"I want my old life back."

Dawon looked away

"I respect your decision, but Hoseok we do not make the rules"

She stood up

"Don't worry Hoseok I'll be sure to guide you"

Hoseok gave her a smile

"I-i guess... thank you noona"

-𝗔 𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿-

"So there will be a party at 7 pm huh?"

"What do you want us to do with it Dae-hyul" Han-bin said then sat at the chair while holding his coffee

"Any suggestions?"

"Kill them"

They looked at Jihoon

"Let's kill them"

"Very well! I already have a plan..... huddle up"


"Today someone will be crowned as a prince!" The king exclaimed while holding a crown

Dawon smiled at Hoseok

"From now on! Jung Hoseok is declared... As a prince of Asterin!" He said then placed the crown at Hoseok's head

"Go sit to your throne sweetie" the queen smiled at Hoseok

Hoseok smiled then nodded

He slowly sat down and many cheers were heard

"All hail Prince Hoseok!"

Hoseok smiled at them

-7 pm-

"They are many" Min-hyuk chuckled

"Like they say the more the merrier" Chaer said then swirled her dagger

"You already planted a bomb right Dae-hyul?" Han-bin asked

"Of course I did" he smirked then tossed a remote control to Jae-hyun

"Press that, explosion. Simple"

"We should back away, that's a big bomb" Jihoon said

They backed away and Jae-hyun slowly pushed the button

A big explosion was heard and there where shouting and coughing

There were smoke all over the place

"Let's take their energy to death" Dae-hyul smirked then came at the smoke

"He never waits for a signal" Chaer said then ran there too

They ran there one by one

They started to take their energy and every people turned pale one by one

"Meh normal people's energy are weak" Jihoon said then proceeded to take a person's energy

Chaer looked at the kid who's sitting at the ground

"Hey kid" she smiled then carried the boy

The boy hugged Chaer

"Chaer take his energy"

"Can't we spare him?"

"No mercy, not even a child" Han-bin said

Chaer placed her hand at the kids back

Her hands glowed purple and now the kid slowly closed his eyes then turned pale

Chaer laid the kid down and gave it a sad smile

"Bye kid" she said then ran from the dead boddies

"You guys finished?"

"Yes, every single one of them" Jae-hyun said

Dae-hyul smirked

"Good now phase 2"


Jin opened the TV and there was a news flash

"Sorry to interrupt but we have a news flash! A explosion happened at **** park, we don't know yet what's the cause of that but people was found dead, they were wiped out they were pale but didn't had any serious injuries is this a magic? If it is then what are the 7 Legends doing? The people are counting on you, this is Kim Natasha, Reporting."

"Tch" Jin threw the remote


7 Legends Book 2 (BTS power ff) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now