𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 16

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(YOW WAZZUP! I made a special chapter for Namjoon and Jin cause I need to make them equal so next is Yoongi have fun!)

Yoongi pov

I looked at my phone

Why the heck did Jungkook changed

That's not even like him

Yes Jungkook can be mean sometimes but not that mean!

I sighed then stood up

Then I walked out of my room

Thanks to my producing music career I had a chance to buy us a new house

I saw Hoseok

"Going somewhere hyung?"

"Just outside"

He nodded

Hoseok is really strange these days

I shrugged it off then walked outside

I just walked then saw convenient store

I bought a coffee then paid him

I left then passed the public restroom of them

I was about to continue walking but i heard something

"Yes boss we already gathered information turns out that water dude is not a Kim"


I made myself closer so I can hear it clearly


"He's a Jung"

Just a coincidence

I wanna walk off but something is stopping me

"Full name?"

He stopped talking for a second

"Hoseok.. Jung Hoseok"

My eyes flamed up

I formed a fist

"So that's why.." I whispered

"Yes boss he can be a good addition to the group"

He chuckled

"See you later"

I heard him ended the call and he started to come out

I grabbed the collar of his shirt

His eyes widened but quickly noticed me


I shouted

This is an dark alley so it's impossible for people to hear or see us

He kicked me at the face causing to loose my grip on him

He tried to ran away

"I'm faster bitch" I whispered then smirked

I ran to him and kicked his back

He fell with a loud thud

I pinned him down using my feet

I called miss Henley

"Hello miss Henley I found someone"

"We'll be there hold on."

7 Legends Book 2 (BTS power ff) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now