𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 11

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Author pov

Namjoon opened his eyes

"Yoongi hyung"

Yoongi ran there and blasted them with flame thrower to keep them busy

He kicked the boy who was holding Jin

The rings disssapeared which leaved Jin falling from the sky

"HEY! GET HYUNG I'LL HANDLE THIS!" he yelled at Hoseok

Hoseok nodded and controlled the water to get Jin


He made a little water ball to get an impact on Jin so he can drop on the water

Jin fell on the water

Then Hoseok follows

He swam there and saw Jin

He took Jin and swam up

They got on land

"Jin hyung? Wake up!"

But Jin is not responding

"Jin hyung come on wake up! don't do this again to me"

Hoseok cried

Jin slowly opened his eyes


He hugged Hoseok

"Hyung you can heal yourself right?"

Jin nodded

"Stay here"

Hoseok ran away from Jin

'I still have a lot of questions for you Jin hyung'

"So four of you are here huh?"

"Well we still win"

They made a tornado


Hoseok came and raised his both hands

Their eyes widened

Hoseok's making an water tornado out of the sea

"That boy is storng"

Said one of them amazed

They stopped the tornado

"Enough!" Yoongi said to Hoseok

Hoseok made the sea calm and the tornado disssapeared

Jin was now ok then assembled his brothers

"Aawww isn't that sweet? Four rats getting in our way"

"How about six? "

When someone said that two other people appeared well more like teleported

"Ah so the Kim brothers are back again huh?" He chuckled

"Hey dude it worked" he added looking up the sky to the one who just flew

It came down

They started at him

His posture, body, and hair is familiar


The boy chuckled

"Good guess"

He said then took of his mask

Which leave them shook

Which leave them shook

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