𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 24

185 16 2


Here's my gift, enjoy!

Hoseok pov

Shit shit shit shit!

Exactly when Jin hyung jumped a big earthquake is happening!


You have to choose wisely Hoseok

Those many people

Or my brother

I looked at the bridge that he jumped on

"Hyung what if some of us is in danger then many people are also counting on you?" I heard Jimin asked Jin hyung

"Well... it's up to you... but if i'm in danger and the world is also in danger"

He looked up

"I want you all to choose the people instead of me"

My tears dropped

"I'm sorry"

I said then ran to the people

Jin pov

I felt a cold water splashed

Also many shouting to the land


My breath got shorter so now I can't be calm

I breathed in but i just swallowed water

My feet started kicking

Why the fuck am I so weak

I felt my eyelids get heavier

I smiled then everything went black

Author pov

Two people swam down to where Jin jumped

They saw him then took him

They smirked

"This is gonna be interesting"

The other one nodded

No one noticed that the necklace came off

They vanished with Jin

On the other hand

Hoseok did it

He saved the people

But he isn't happy

He swam where Jin was

But he couldn't find him

He noticed a shiny thing deeper

He took it then swam up

"Hoseok! Are you okay!? Where's Jin hyung!?"

Yoongi with Namjoon came worriedly

Hoseok looked at them with tears falling

They looked at each other

"You're joking."

He shook his head

"Please tell me you're joking!" Namjoon yelled

"He's missing... I haven't seen h-him!"


"Someone took him..."

They looked at their left

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