𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 30

184 14 2

Author pov

They prepared themselves to see the King and his family

"H-hyung does it looks good?" Hoseok asked Jin while fixing his tuxedo

Jin forcely smiled

"You look good in everything"

Hoseok smiled


Henley and Yumi is with them to meet him

"Hello we are the ones who sent a appointment with the king" Henley said calmly

Yumi showed a paper to the knights

They nodded then gave them a way

They stood in front of them

They bowed

"Welcome to the kingdom" the queen said while smiling

The princess smiled widely

"Father! Is it them!? Is it him!?" She said excitedly while looking at Hoseok

The king came in front of him

"Y-your highness-" his father hugged him

"Hoseok.... you've grown so much"

Hoseok let out his tears

"I'm sorry" the king said then dropped the hug

Henley smiled

"Sir this is Hoseok and his brothers"

The queen also came in front of Hoseok then examined him

"You look just like your father" she smiled

Jin want to tear up

Yoongi looked down

Namjoon just stared at Hoseok

Jimin let out some tears

Taehyung is looking at king

And Jungkook is just there looking down

The princess came to Hoseok

"Father! Can I!?" She said

"Ask them" the King said while looking at Jin and the others

They nodded

The king smiled then nodded

She giggled then pulled Hoseok away

"Here Hoseok!" She stopped

Hoseok looked up

"This was supposed to be your room...." Many figurines of a action figure is placed and a lot of gifts

"Everytime your birthday come we always put gifts for you" she gave him a box

"Check it out!"

Hoseok slowly opened it

A bracelet

He smiled

"T-thank you y-your highness-"

"Aww! Drop the your highness! We are siblings! I'm your sister!" She pouted "call me Dawon noona!"

"O-okay noona"

Dawon smiled

"You know.... I never thought that this day would come me dad, and you will be together" Dawon hugged him

"Noona... I just have your
blood... I'm a mistake"

"Oh hush Hoseok! You are never a mistake!" Dawon said

Hoseok tears fell

Dawon smiled then wiped those away

"I don't like watching someone crying it makes me sad" she huffed

Hoseok looked around

"Hoseok you have water right?"

He nodded

Dawon smiled

"Mother and I have ice dad and you have water"

"I still can't believe this"

"I'll make you believe it then!"

She held Hoseok's hand then interwined it together

Hoseok's hand glowed and a mark tattoo was formed

"See!? You are my brother!" She screamed then jumped

Hoseok smiled

The tattoo faded away

"So Hoseok are you ready now?"

"Ready for what?"

"To be with us? To live with us? To be a 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒? "


"Sit down" the King offered them

"No thanks sir we are good" Jin said

"Sir if you don't mind can I ask a question?" Yoongi said seriously

"go on kid"

"Will you take Hoseok away from us?"

"To be honest... I want to take him but he also have a family that he loves" he smiled warmly

"D-don't worry about us sir we know that you need a bonding time with him"

"But I heard that 7 Legends is still a thing? Right Henley?"

Henley nodded

"So sir if you make him a prince y-you will take off his responsibility for saving this world?" Yumi asked

"Yes that's what I want"

"B-but sir you do know that he can be a really big help-"

"I do not want to risk his life"

"But sir!-"

A knight pointed it sword in Yumi's chin

"I will not hesitate to kill you in front of the King so get your sword off me" Yumi warned him with full authority

"Like I'm scared-"

Yumi took the sword then broke it in half with her bare hands

Their eyes widened even the king

"Yeah what were you saying?"

The knight ran away

"Coward" she threw the broken sword "We can make sure to protect him at all costs" she said

The King didn't speak

He just saw a girl fight with his trusty men

"Father we're back~"


"I already made my decision..." The king announced

"Hoseok is staying..."

They looked up

"With us "


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