𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3

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Jimin pov

Everything went black

For a minute

I regained my vision and slowly stood up


It hurts

I touched my head

When I looked at my hand my eyes widened



My brothers

Shit no

Ashes came

I know this it's the same as Yoongi hyung

I ran to find my brothers

But as I ran I saw many people unconscious and gasping for air

Jin hyung

I looked for him and saw him with Jungkook

Both of them can't breathe

I ran to them and teleported them outside

Time skip (cause you already know what happened)

I wore my mask and my cloak appeared i teleported inside

I closed my eyes

Borrowing from Namjoon hyung

(A/n: Alright the 3 maknaes can borrow but can't use the borrowed power for long it can easily drain their energy)

My necklace turned green

I grabbed two people and teleported them to Jin hyung

I kept doing that quick

I stopped

"Hoseok hyung!"

I shook him


I carried him and teleported him out of the building

As soon as we're out

"J-jimin where's the others?"

"I'll find them hyung"

I smiled at him and gave him to Jin hyung

I was about to leave

"Hyung I'll come with you" Jungkook said wearing his mask then his cloak appeared

I nodded and held his hand I teleported him inside

We separated ways

Jungkook pov

I saw many people unconscious


I levitated them and let them levitate outside

I saw my remaining brothers and levitated them outside

I ran outside to Jin hyung

He's done healing all of the people including our brothers

I saw them wearing their masks and their cloaks

Jimin pov

I saw the last person and teleported her outside

Jin hyung started to heal her and she stared to speak

"W-wait my daughter" she cried

"Let's find her" I said

And we ran inside all seven of us

7 Legends Book 2 (BTS power ff) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now