𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 15

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Play when I say so

Jin pov

Namjoon and I where eating lunch quietly



"Do you think they are doing fine?"

I looked up

He's looking at me

I smiled and looked at our picture frame taken a year ago

Our perfect picture

The one that has no violence, no shouting, no one missing,no one mad at me


I smiled at him

"They are doing just fine"

Author pov

It was night

Jin walked to his room and slowly closed the door

Moment of silence

He started to sob then slid down the wall

He hugged his knees then places his head on it

"I'm sorry...." Tears can't stop flowing down from his eyes


He repeated the same word while crying

Then suddenly

It's hard for him to breathe


Namjoon was sitting outside Seokjin's room

He knows what's happening

He just closed his eyes

And heard what Seokjin was saying

He was there for him for a long time

But Seokjin never notice that

The next day

Jin came out from his room and saw many foods for his breakfast

"Good morning hyung let's eat"

He shook his head

"I'll just drink coffee"

"Oh I'll do it for you-"

"No thanks I can do it by myself it's not that hard"

Namjoon nodded


While Namjoon was reading Jin came out from his room

"Namjoon I'm going to find Jungkook stay here and watch the house" Jin said while reaching his keys

"And also if you have time you can-" he said while turning around to Namjoon

He stopped when he saw Namjoon crying while bitting his lip

"Why are you crying? Is there something wrong?"

He walked to Namjoon and tilt up his face


Namjoon looked away from him

"Hyung won't you really notice me?"

Jin stopped

"I-i know I'm being selfish but can't you really just noticed me for once?"

"Hyung I've been here for you since our other brothers left! And you just treat me like trash"

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