𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 40 (𝚆𝙰𝚁)

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Author POV

They looked at their brothers

"T-this is just a nightmare.. this is just a nightmare.." Jungkook repeatedly said, eyes were puffy and tears were like waterfalls falling from his eyes

Namjoon is quiet no word came out from his mouth

Jin being the eldest was in a lot of pain seeing his younger brothers in front of him that are lifeless are like bullets coming through his whole body

How come I can't protect them...

I'm so useless...

What kind of brother am I..

How.. come..

Jin heard gun shots

But he didn't cared

"H-hyung!" Jungkook shouted trying to go to him

Namjoon did the same thing but they both got pulled

"L-let me go!"


Jungkook looked at the person while frowning, but his face expression immediately changed

Jin was waiting


He didn't felt anything

"Well isn't that a pathetic way to give up"

He looked up

Jisoo was grinning at him preventing the bullets to come towards him

"Jisoo? You're.. alive.."

"Of course I'm alive" she dropped the bullets

"Jungkook and Namjoon w-where are they-"

"They're in safe hands"

Jin sighed

"Who even wants to live.. if your happiness are gone"

"Hmmm..." Jisoo sat beside him "are they all gone? Aren't there a tiny bit left?"

"I'm happy that someone still stayed but.."

"You're empty without all of them"

Jin bitterly chuckled

"You got it right"

Jin felt hot tears on the side of his eyes

"I can be a wall.." Jisoo uttered looking out of nowhere

He slowly leaned on Jisoo's shoulder as his tears fell

"Just let it all out.."

A moment of silence.. Jin decided to break it

"How did you survived?"

Jisoo chuckled

"You're not the only one who has a gang"

"Oh? Who?"

"Why did we come here again?"

"This place is sick!"

"Y'all gotta hush down"


Jin looked back

He saw three girls standing there

"Hello my name is Chaeyoung but you can call me Rosé" she smiled

"Jennie" the girl didn't bothered saying anything more but she gave him a warm smile

"Lisa, I go at the same school with you guys last year and I'm terrible sorry for what's happening right now"

Namjoon and Jungkook came running to him as they hug him

"Aish you're lucky Jisoo came hyung.." Jungkook said

"Yeah hyung-"

"We met again Jisoo"

They sharply looked behind them

"Well isn't it Dae-hyul and his little bitches" Jisoo said standing up

"That is not very nice of you" Min-hyuk scoffed

"Looks like you've bring your little bitches too" Jae-hyun talked back

"We're a team dude." Jennie said

"So you're protecting them now?"

"Oh not just us.." Rosé said looking at her gun

The leaders teleported surrounding the three and the others

A portal came and 5 boys came out

"Payback time~" Soobin said chuckling

"It will be all of us you assholes" Agatha said

"It's doomsday~" Beomgyu grinned

All of them gripped on their swords

And the war starts

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