𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 38 (𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜..)

197 14 2

Jin pov

"Why yes Yoongi it is me"

She looked at me


This is just imposible..

Henley noona..


She slowly walked to me while holding a knife

"I've always.. wanted to end you guys" points the tip of it to my throat

She made her face close to my ear

And whispered something to me

Author pov

Henley looked back at Han-bin

"Mind if I do it?"

Han-bin smirks as he gave the tube to Henley

She gripped on it

Henley swung the tube and hit him

Yoongi's eyes went wide

Han-bin was on the floor while his head is bleeding

They all looked at Henley who hit Han-bin's head

Suddenly black-smokes spread all around their base

The villains men starts to get pulled and getting beaten up

Henley helped Yoongi to stand up

The others got unchained

I looked around

Yeonjun.. Kai.. what the hell are they doing here!?

Beomgyu looked at me and nodded signalling us to leave

"You guys have to leave. now." Henley said while her face was full of seriousness


"No buts! Go!"

The 7 of them ran away

"Y-yoongi hyung are you okay?"

Yoongi weakly nodded not uttering a single word

Dae-hyul teleported in front of them

"No one is leaving"

They ran away again

But the problem is..

They ran away in different paths


"We lost him" Jungkook said panting

"We lost our brothers too! Shit!" Jimin yelled in frustration

Both of them looked around

Suddenly two persons teleported in front of them

They were about to run again but

"Stop" Han-bin ordered

They stopped, Han-bin's spell was preventing them to go any further

"Looks like we're the one who's going to win this time." Jae-hyun said while walking up to Jungkook

He pulled his sword

"Go on, try to kill me." Jungkook challenged him

Jae-hyun flashed a smirk

"I know your little secret, Jungkook"

He turned around to Jimin as he stabbed it to his chest

Jungkook's eyes went wide

"J-jimin hyung!"

Jae-hyun pushed the sword more making more blood gush out from Jimin

"Are you excited Jimin? You're going to meet your dad now"

He pulled out the sword as Jimin fell

Han-bin dropped the spell

Jungkook ran towards his hyung

"H-hyung.. no.. n-no this can't be.. don't l-leave me hyung" he shakingly said while tears are falling

Jimin used all of his strength left to reach out for his brother's cheek

He weakly smiled


"Jimin-shi! This is your baby brother come and say hi"

"Woah! another baby brother!" Jimin ran to Harmony who was holding the baby

Jimin reached his youngest brother's cheeks

"And he's squishy!"

The baby giggled at Jimin's compliment

"Would you like to name him sweetie?"

"I was thinking... Jungkook?"

"Jungkook? Hmm.. what do you think of that little guy?" Harmony looked at the baby

He starts to jiggle

Harmony smiled

"Jungkook it is then"

-End of Flashback-

"I-i'm.. sorry.."

Jimin slowly closed his eyes as his hand dropped down


The villan's men were chasing Yoongi and Jin

"Can you still run Yoongi?" Jin asked his brother who was beated up badly


Yoongi looked around searching for something to help them escape or to help his hyung escape

He saw a bomb planted towards them

Yoongi stopped running


Jin was confused, why did his brother stopped running?

He was about to go there again but

"No hyung! Stay there" Yoongi stepped on the bomb

Jin's eyes went wide


Yoongi was waiting for the people who was chasing them to go near him

He smiled

"I promised something to dad hyung.."

"Don't.. p-please"

"Get out of here alive okay?"

Jin shaked his head

"I'm not leaving you behind.."

"We don't have a choice hyung.."

The men finally catched up

Yoongi stepped back

A big explosion was heard



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