𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 29

172 16 3

Author pov

"What are you doing here?" He said coldly

"Sir I came here to tell you that Jungkook and Jimin are back"

"Good to know you may now leave" he said then drank the alcohol

"Sir Liam this isn't like you!" Taehyun said

"Is this because of your brother's death-"

Liam pushed Beomgyu

"Don't ever! Say that in our conversations!"

"You have to accept that he's dead sir!" Beomgyu yelled

"I know! I know!"

Kai pulled Beomgyu up

"T-this is all Yoongi's fault!"

"Sir! He's not responsible for that! He is also a victim!"

"NO! If he didn't just made us teleport away-"

"Sir! It was your brother that came to Yoongi! It was his choice! Yoongi hyung didn't wanted that either! He's so fucking broken after that!" Yeonjun angrily shouted

"It's still h-his fault! He's a bitch! He always causes trouble!"

The door slowly opened

"A-are you done now?" He smiled sweetly to Liam

The room became dead silent

"Are you done now u-uncle?" Yoongi asked him

"Yoongi hyung-"

"It's fine I came here to give this to you.... he wanted you to see this thing" Yoongi handed a envelope

He turned around but before he left

"I know that it's my fault sir"

They're eyes widened

Yoongi called him sir

"But you don't have to tell it to me because it keeps repeating in my head so many times"

He took a step


He walked away

Kai and Yeonjun followed Yoongi

"Open it" Taehyun coldly said then left with Beomgyu

Liam opened it

Yow baby bro! How are you there? Well I know you are doing great I have a little request please take care of my sons they lost two of their parents now and take care of yourself! Hmp! Bye now Liam.... hyung loves you

- hyung

Liam slowly slid down the wall

I'm sorry


"Yoongi hyung wait!"

Yoongi stopped his tracks but didn't looked at them


"W-we are sorry"

"Why are you saying sorry?"

They didn't talked

Yoongi turned around then flashed a smile

A forced one

"It's fine I'm tough" Yoongi playfully said but the two are serious

"Hyung stop it please we know you are hurt"

"Hyung sometimes it's okay to be weak, to cry"

Yoongi once again smiled

"I can't I'm the second oldest"

They looked at him worriedly

"I have to go take care okay?"

They nodded then Yoongi ran



Jimin looked behind him

It's Jin


"Let's talk"

Jimin followed Jin to his room

"Please stay here don't leave this house this is our real home" he said with full sincerity

Jimin gave him a serious face

"You've done so much damage"

Jin looked down

"I-i'm sorry I'm just worried that time"

Jimin chuckled bitterly

"So worried that you will forget that other people have feelings too? Is that it hyung?"

Jin froze, he's out of words

"Do you know what's that called?"

Jin didn't answer


Jimin turned around ready to leave

"I'll be staying" he said

Jin looked up

"But this is only for Taehyung and Jungkook"


"You're still not my brother" he finally walked away

Jin's tears fell

So as Jimin's

Jimin wiped those away and came to their room

"Hyung look at Jungkook! It's my food!"

"You said I can have it!"

"Can you guys at least share?" He calmly said

"Yeah hyung sharing is caring!" Jungkook grinned at Taehyung


Taehyung threw the chocolate to Jungkook

Jungkook laughed then ate the half of it

"Sometimes you guys forget that you are teenagers" Jimin said while smiling

"Don't you like it hyung?" Jungkook pouted his messy lips

"wash that up" Jimin sighed

He giggled then came to the bathroom while hopping

"La la la la la~" he sang happily then closed the bathroom door

"So are we staying hyung?" Taehyung asked him

Jimin smiled then nodded

Taehyung smiled back and hugged him

"You're the best hyung"

"Guys go downstairs" Yoongi said

"Yeah hyung hold on"

Jungkook came out from the bathroom

They came downstairs

"Oh? Hello" Taehyung greeted to them

Henley and Yumi smiled

"We came here to tell you guys that"

They looked at Hoseok

"He's ready to see you... Jung Hoseok"


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