𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 28

180 15 4

Jimin pov

(YAAAYY missed his pov?)

I excused myself to Taetae and Kookie

"I'm sorry Jimin please check the box underneath your bed it's time for you to wake up now"

I came to my room and checked my bed

"There it is" I said to myself then pulled it

It's a little box

I opened it then saw many pictures

I looked at it then smiled

These are the pictures of me and dad together

I also saw one with Yoongi hyung, dad, and me

I kept scanning them then I saw a paper

"Hmm?" I took it then opened it

Hi boys! Who's ever seeing this... Well.. I really missed you guys I'm really sorry if I'm not a good father I didn't want to do it but they always threatened your lives, I'm really scared of what's gonna happen if I'm gone but I guess you guys can live without me if you are reading this that means I'm dead... yes you read it right... So I'm sorry that I can't say this to you guys in person-


I looked at him

"H-he's dead."

Yoongi hyung's eyes widened

"H-hyung dad's d-dead" I said while my tears are falling

"Jiminie" he ran to me and hugged me

"H-he's dead" I repeated the same claus over and over again

"Jimin let's go downstairs"

He supported my back because of my shaking legs

He took the paper from me

They are all downstairs

We all sat down in circle

Yoongi hyung read it again

- Jin kiddo I know that you hated me so much because of my attitude but I hope you forgive dada you cook just like your mom and I love that! Don't let go of your dreams and take care of yourself and your brothers for me

Yoongi hyung read that out loud

Jin hyung tears started to form from the corner of his eyes

- Hoseok my sunshine! You never fail to make daddy laugh! I guess you know now that you aren't a Kim but I still accepted you as my real   son I really love you! I'm sorry if I was harsh at you I'll miss you

Hoseok hyung smiled bitterly then looked down

"Y-your not a Kim?" Jungkook and I both asked him

He nodded


My heart started to beat faster

Jungkook looked at Hoseok hyung and smiled

- Namjoon kiddo you are never worthless I'm sorry if I was abusive to you.... I really hate myself for doing all of this to you.... You grew up without a father's love I'm sorry

Namjoon hyung tears fell then Jin hyung comforted him

- Taehyung daddy didn't do much to you but I know that kicking you guys out of the house and knowing the truth will be enough to crush you you are very fragile Tae... be strong and remember daddy loves you

Taehyung hyung looked down while smiling bitterly

"He knows me too well"

- Jungkook... I'm still upset of what your fucking dad did to your mom he made her feel like a slut I'm sorry that I never accepted you as my child because your father did so much pain to your mom... To us

Jungkook slowly nodded

"I-i don't get it!"

"Jimin this is the truth-"

"We both are not Kim's" Jungkook said and pointed to Hoseok hyung

They looked at each other


They looked at me

"C-continue Yoongi h-hyung"

Every words that said felt like a knife stabbed to me multiple times

It hurts

It hurts so much

But I won't let my emotions get me

- Yoongi ang Jimin! My two boys! Appa needs to go now! Yoongi I know I promised you that we will play the piano together but promises are meant to be broken son I'm sorry.... Jimin I know that you missed clinging into me! You're a clinging master! Appa really misses you be a good boy okay!?

This is what I'm really hiding boys please be strong, you know? When you guys fighted me I knew that you guys are now strong and capable without me

You guys grew up so well! Remember that I love you guys okay?! Captaaaiiin Appa to the rescueeeee!

- Dad

A soon as Yoongi hyung finished reading it the paper was crumpled a little

We are in a crying mess

"I hate h-him!" Jin hyung said while sobbing

Captaaaiiin Appa to the rescueeeee!

Is what he always say when we are hurt or he wants to play with us

"How d-dare him make m-me cry!" Hoseok hyung said

Jungkook cried too

Hoseok hyung and Jungkook is not a Kim

"M-may I know who you guys are?" I asked the both of them

They smiled at me

"Jeon Jungkook is my real name"

"I'm Jung Hoseok"

So those are the surnames that mom told me

I nodded and hugged them tightly

The others hugged too

Dad I fucking hate you

I said to my thoughts then a tear slipped from my eye

Here you are folks Raven's story explained

They all know now the secrets they've been hiding from each other

I missed Jimin's pov lol bye bye

Author out!


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