𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2

317 15 4

Jimin pov

"Hey stop pushing me!"


"Shut up!"

"Shh you're gonna wake them up!"

*Click click*

"Jin hyung stop that!"

I groaned and opened my eyes slowly

"There you wake Jimin up!"

"Me!? Hey-"

"Good morning hyungs" I said when I saw Jin hyung, Hoseok hyung, and Namjoon hyung

"Good morning Jiminie"

I looked at my side and saw Taehyung sleeping peacefully

Then at the other couch is Yoongi hyung sleeping

I looked at myself and I have a blanket on me

"You guys put this?" I pointed at the blanket

They shooked their head

Yoongi hyung

I smiled and stood up I placed the blanket to Yoongi hyung

"Hyungs I'm just gonna fix myself" I said to then and ran upstairs

I saw Jungkook coming out from his room

"Good morning hyung" he said

"Good morning kooks" I smiled

I'm not mad at Jungkook I understand him I just wish that he can get our point

"Then what's your point?"

I looked at him surprised

"Y-you can-"

He nodded and left

Okay spell


I fixed myself and teleported downstairs

I'm too lazy

I saw Taehyung and Yoongi hyung awake

"Alright let's eat and get ready Henley noona wants to talk to us" Jin hyung


"Famous Cafe"

(A/n: read if you're confuse well Henley is one of the leaders of the supernatural world which means that she can do anything she wants but she acts like an leader Soo that's it)

-Time Skip-

We're at the cafe and ordered some drinks

Then we saw Henley noona

"Hey sorry I'm late did I made you guys wait?" She said sitting

"No it's fine noona so what are we talking about?"

She breathed in and out

"We leaders took an look at all the evil dead supernatural place"

She placed her hand on the table

"Jin..." She looked at all of us

"Your dad isn't there"


"Wait you must be kidding dad's spell reflected on him"

"Did you saw him after the battle?"

7 Legends Book 2 (BTS power ff) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now