𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 22

183 17 6

Author pov

Hoseok quickly called Jin

They came and saw who they encountered last time

"Oh why hello" Dae-hyul smirked at them

"Stop this shit!" Yoongi yelled

"Oi oi chill~" A voice said

They looked their side

"You need to chill"


"Come on fight me" He gave them an annoying smirk

"You're not Jungkook"

Jungkook laughed hysterically

"You're right... This is not Jungkook.... because I'm devil... And this is hell!" He pointed at Dae-hyul and the others

Jungkook laughed because they're only 5

"Looks like you're running out of numbers well that boy is a distraction anyway-"

"Our Jimin hyung is never a distraction!" Taehyung angrily shouted

"YOUR! it's your Jimin hyung!"

They looked at Jungkook at confusion

Well at least all

Hoseok and Jin are just staring at Jungkook

"Jungkook what do you mean-" Taehyung took a step forward but was stopped because of the gun clicking


Their eyes widened

Jungkook never liked guns, in fact he feared them

But now...

He's holding it with a frown plastered on his face...with no sign of fear

"Shoot them already Jeon"


The three of them asked their minds

One of them whispered something into Jungkook

Jungkook's frowning face slowly turned into a smirk

"So!" He aimed the gun down "You guys didn't know?"

"What are you talking about!?"

"And someone didn't even bother telling it" he said while raising an eyebrow

One of them looked down which made Jungkook point the gun at him

"So it's you? Jin hyung?"

Jin looked at Jungkook

"Yes it's me-"

A bullet immediately came through Jin's cheeks

It almost touched his face but luckily it didn't

They looked at Jungkook who pulled the trigger

"Wow Jin hyung..... I trusted you..."

"Jungkook I'm very sorry-"

Once again Jungkook pointed the gun at Jin

But Jin isn't scared

He wants Jungkook to pull the trigger directly to his chest

He believes that's it's his fault that Jungkook became evil

So it's ok for him to be killed by the one he broke

7 Legends Book 2 (BTS power ff) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now