Extra #1

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Hi! Its me again, Eleanor...and...its been almost 8 years since we're married and we have 3 children!

The oldest one is a boy named Louis Xander Lisanthium, then we had a girl a year later named, Victoria Zara Lisanthium, and finally our baby boy named, William Harrison Lisanthium! He just turned 1 year old today!

"My lady, what are you doing here in the garden? The emperor is looking for you." Emma put a cloak around my shoulders to keep me warm. She was now married to the chef in our estate, even so she still kept me company even when she is busy.

I rubbed my hands together, and wore my gloves as i returned the cloak back to Emma.

I entered the ballroom with my head high as two cute children ran to me.

"Mommy!" Victoria had the blonde silver hair she got from her father and purple eyes she got from me. She was wearing a cute dress that kept her very warm, she hugged my dress as i pat her head, She was now 4 years old so her so it was almost time for her mana testing.

"Ehem...Mother..." Louis coughed as he formally bowed down, although this kid was only 5 he acted more mature than his age. He had my black hair and my purple eyes but he got his skills from his father.

I smiled at Louis as he stuck closely to my other arm.

"Wheres my birthday boy?" I asked Emma as she carried Will (William) into my arms. I kissed his forehead as he giggled, "Happy birthday my child"

"Birthday!" He repeated while giggling. He had my black hair and his eyes were a deep ocean blue.

"We greet your highness the emperor!" the guests bowed down as Cole walked pridefully amongst the crowd to sit in his throne.

"Ah...Wait here for mommy okay?" I said as Emma took William.

I gracefully walked over to my throne and sat down. "We greet the empress!" The guests bowed again as i smiled at them.

Then Cole made a whole speech about Williams birthday and gifted him some things while i was wondering when i could stand up and play with my little children.

The guests clapped as Cole went back to his throne and the guests interacting with each other.

"You look lovely today." Cole said as he offered me a dance.

"Don't i always?" I said laughing while he tuck in a lock of her behind my ear.

Cole was now 28 years old but he still looked as young as ever, is it the genes???...although i could also say the same for myself fufu...

As soon as the song ended I immediately dragged Cole to our birthday boy and forced him to play with him. Seriously Cole acts so cold to our children when he actually wants to play with them!

Just then someone tapped on my shoulder, "Boo!" I raised an eyebrow at Freesia and Constantine while they tried to scare me, these two have been married for 2 years now and...I can't say that it isn't going well, when they act like two middle schoolers.

"Constantine, Freesia" I said hugging them, "Sis, i can't believe you two are still together.." Constantine sighed as Freesia agreed.

I rolled my eyes at them, "I could say the same for you two, the marriage was so sudden."

Constantine pouted," Well mother forced me to marry this monkey!"

Freesia's eyes widened, "How dare you, you frog face!"

Then they started to bicker. "Ahaha, i can't believe you two are still together!" Alastair laughed as loudly as he can.

"Alastair you're here!" I hugged him as he patted my head.

"I can't believe you're still single, considering you're 28." Hugo said as he approached us, this guy has also married someone, well "pressured" to marry someone.

"That's cause' I don't believe in marriage without love." Alastair said while eyeing Hugo who married for benefits.

Then Charles came in with a plate full of desserts, this guy has also not married yet..well maybe he's married to food.

"Uncle!!" Victoria ran and hugged Constantine as he carried her.

"You're as energetic as ever ria." constantine said laughing.

Then Louis approached us with little William and his father at the back.

"Greetings mothers friends." Louis bowed down and approached me.

"...Louis you cant even remember our names?!" Alastair said wiping his non existent tear.

We ignored Alastair who was saying his dramatic speech about not remembering their names and squatted down to fix his hair, then i grabbed the cloak from Emma and covered him with it as he was shivering though he tried his best to hide it, were they outside for too long?

"Better now?" I said as Louis his little head bobbed up, awdniawda why are they so cute? Is it because they take after me?

I glared at Cole who was holding William and slapped his arm, telling him how Louis was cold and he didn't notice.

"I'm sorry--" Cole squatted down and warmed up Louis' hands with his fire mana.

"Hmp." I took William and greeted more guest while Emma, Freesia and Anemone who just arrived followed behind me to talk.

Charles chuckled and patted Cole's back, "Don't be too depressed."

Cole just shrugged them off, then he went back to his seat while the guests presented their presents to him.

Meanwhile Constantine and the others played with Victoria while Louis was following me to greet guests.

After greeting several guests William was asleep in my arms as Louis yawned.

I went to Cole, "Can i leave first? Louis is sleepy.."

Cole just nodded, "Of course you can, honey you don't need to worry about anything."

I smiled at him, "Thank you"

I bid goodbye to my friends who was still playing with Victoria who was full of energy then i went to our room.

"Mother, We can sleep here?" I placed William on the bed and told Louis he could.

"Of course sweetie, feel free to sleep here anytime okay?" I said as i tucked him in bed while he was hiding his grin. "Okay...goodnight...mother..." He half whispered while his eyelids fell.

"Goodnight my sweet children," I kissed both their foreheads while they smiled in their sleep.



Just an extra chapter that i totally didn't forget to publish.

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