Ch. 16 The Ball

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I close my eyes and focus all my attention to my bed, i imagined it in mid air floating. I opened my eyes and just like what i imagined it's floating in mid air. Im getting better bit by bit...anyway i was practicing all week because Cole's words kept repeating in my head.

"I like you."

Argh stop thinking about that! Today's the ball so i need to get ready. What dress should in wear..? but as i thought that, someone knocked on my door, i opened it and no one was there but there's a box on the ground. I picked up the box and went back in.

"Wear this tonight." I read the note on the box. Its probably from Cole, I opened it and it revealed  a dazzling gown.

 Its probably from Cole, I opened it and it revealed  a dazzling gown

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I excitedly wore it and stared at the mirror awestruck.

"Wow.." i spun around and admired myself in the mirror, i look like a princess.  Raza also flew around me in his tiny form. I fixed my hair and put it into a side updo.

I wore the necklace that Cole gave me since it matched my dress

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I wore the necklace that Cole gave me since it matched my dress. I slip on some hills and done! I wonder what this ball is about though...As i thought that someone knocked on my door. It's probably Cole...I nervously opened the door.

"Cole..h,hey.." I said nervously my heart beating so loud that he can probably hear it.

"Zira..You look beautiful." He said kissing the back of my hand. His ears flushing a bright red.

"Thank don't look too bad yourself." I said as he laughed lightly. Who am i kidding he looks so hot!

"Then let's get going or else we'll be late." Cole said offering his arm, which i gladly linked my arms with. Let's get this party over with. We got into his carriage since the ball is outside the academy.

"I see that you wore the necklace i gave you...It suits you well." Cole said staring at me openly.

"Thank you Cole.." I said blushing a little because of his stare.

"I like you."

His words last week rang in my head, Why am i thinking of that in this moment! Snap out of it Zira..Well it's okay to like him back right...I mean he did protect me from the heroine...J-just for tonight i wont conceal my feelings.

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