Ch. 20

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"Eleanor...You know you can't get rid of me." The voice said behind me. I swiftly spun around to see who it could be but all i could see was darkness.

"Show yourself, i don't know who your are or what you are but i am not afraid of you." I said unwavering. The voice just laughed madly.

"What do you mean you don't know me? I am you Eleanor, i existed because you created me. I am a part of you." The voice echoed in the darkness.

"I created you?" I asked. "If i created you then it won't be that hard to get rid of you."

"Its not that simple Eleanor, I am part of you...I am here to make you evil." The voice whispered.

"Why? Why do you want me to be evil? I don't want to be that Eleanor!" I shouted looking around the dark room.

"Ha...You have no choice to act evil Eleanor, or you'll cease to exist." The voice laughed mockingly.

"No...I wont believe you, your just saying all these to make me become someone I'm not." I said huffing. I'm suddenly getting dizzy,

"Ugh, Did you do something to me? Why is my head spinning?" I asked, my vision getting blurry.

"Don't worry Eleanor just sleep tight and when you wake up everything will go back to normal." The voice said, i could almost see what it is but i couldn't focus, i shouldn't sleep...


??? POV

Look's like Eleanor can handle this on her own, ill just lend her some of my strength. Good luck my child. I began to pour my aura to her to keep her awake inside her body, putting information on her brain on how to defeat this...thing.

"Don't worry young man, She will wake up soon. Just lend her some of your mana. There's something evil consuming her. Considering she is powerful she will defeat it soon enough." I said walking out of the room.

"So i just have to give her some of my mana?" Cole asked seeing how the old man isn't in the room anymore he opened the door so he can ask that question only to see no one outside.

"That's weird, how did he walk away so fast..?" Cole just shrugged it off and began to pour mana into Eleanor as Constantine was sleeping in another room, tired from taking care of Eleanor.


"Huh? Why do i feel so powerful..?" Suddenly memories on how they defeated it flashed before my eyes. What's this?

'Wake up child.'

I unknowingly woke from my sleep, I immediately cage the thing in front of me. It was weird, it had sharp teeth, 4 wide eyes that are black, It's claws sharp and long, It smiled at me creepily..It's smile getting wider and wider.

"What are you..?" I asked my body shivering from the sight.

"I am what the creator called, ephialtes." The thing said while its eyes stared deeply into my soul. I shivered at the thought of it eating away my soul. Okay let's do the ritual based on what i saw.

"Et oblinito ego aeternum in perpetuum sub terra!" I said the spell in my memory that seems like Ive known this forever, My eyes flashed a bright light and a light shone out from my heart making the ephialtes shrink.

Hands started to pull the ephialtes feet, "How could you betray me Eleanor! I thought we were one, HaHaaaHA!" The ephialtes laughed maniacally before slowly disappearing by the hands that were pulling him underneath.

"It's over..?" I fall down, my legs loosing strength, i lay there for a while before falling asleep again.




I was awoken by the ray of sunlight on my face. I'm back in my room! As i was about to get out of bed i noticed Cole sitting on the floor, sleeping on my bed as he held my hand. He looks so peaceful here.

"C-cole..?" I shake him lightly. His eyes began to slowly open and once it did he immediately hugged me. I pat him as he nuzzled his face on my neck. I noticed that his neck is burning hot.

"Cole?! your burning up..! You should rest properly!" I said panicking.

"I'm fine, lets stay like this for a while..." Cole said whispering huskily as he tightened his hold against me. I guess it's fine just for a little bit, he did take care of me. We stayed there in silence for a few minutes.

"COLE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER!" A voice interrupted our moment screaming at Cole.

"Brother!" I shouted letting go of Cole and running to my cute brother as i hugged him tightly.

"Sis, it's good that your back." He said while hugging me back,

"And Cole ill let you go for now for touching my sister, since you did stay up all night transferring some of your mana to her." What Constantine shocked me...Is that why he is sick? t-then ill be a responsible woman and take care of him..!

"Actually, Cole's sick right now.. Ill feel guilty if i cant do anything for him, so ill t-take care of him!" I said enthusiastically. Constantine stared at the both of us for a while before giving in.

"Fine, but you cant stay the night." Constantine said as he glared at Cole who is feeling drowsy.

"Okay mom! We'll go now." I waved goodbye at Constantine who was annoyed and dragged Cole to his room. I opened the door using his key, his room is Neat and simple. I let him lay down in bed as i get a towel to put on his forehead.

After i did that i just stared at him who was sleeping peacefully, even when he is sick he still looks handsome.

"Cole... you shouldn't have done that for me.." I whispered as i touch his cheek. I lean in closer to his face..wait WHAT AM I DOING TO A SICK PERSON.

As i was about to move back, Cole quickly leaned in holding my waist as our lips touched for a solid 8 seconds before i moved back with my face as red as a tomato.

"Wha- Col--...AUAWDHAIPDBW" I screamed covering my lips as he stared at me with a smirk.

"I think I'm feeling better now." Cole said shamelessly. This guy--

"C-cole what did you just do??!?!?" I said as he slowly walked closer to me, not this again...This time I'm not gonna move back, hmpf-

"Isn't it obvious? I'm kissing my future wife." Cole stated leaning his forehead on mine and his hands snaked it's way to my waist. My face exploded, He is way too shameless!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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