Ch. 38 Ocean blue eyes

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"En....I won't sneak out again.." Eleanor pitifully said, standing at the door of Physician Monte with both her hands up for 30 minutes.

Physician Monte merely glanced at her before continuing studying a herb.

Eleanor felt wronged and furrowed her eyebrows, "I just wanted to have fun.." She muttered.

Physician Monte grabbed his kit and went to her, she immediately brightened up, she guessed her grandfather still cares about her!

Then suddenly he threw it to Eleanor which made Eleanor startled but was able to catch it, "Do it yourself, now move along and get ready for the ball, I'm busy." He said with his shaky voice as he put on his glasses and studied the herb again.

Eleanor smiled brightly, running up to her grandfather and hugging him before leaving and going to Cath's room.

"Cathy~~" She said as she barged in without knocking and was left in an awkward position.

She gulped and nervously laughed seeing Cath and Leon's face were inches apart...

"Uh...I'm sorry, please continue!" She closed the door loudly, while fangirling about the two of them. As she was dancing happily the door suddenly opened revealing the flustered Leon and Cath.

Eleanor coughed and stood straight, "I was gonna go, so you can head in now" Leon awkwardly smiled at Eleanor and whispered something to Cath before walking away.

Now it was only the two of them, Eleanor pulled Cath back to her room, "Spill!!!" She excitedly said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Cath smiled and smacked Eleanor's head. "Ouch, why is it always the back of my head." She rubbed her head pitifully, her head has gone through a lot of beating.


Eleanor stared at her reflection in awe, She looked like a goddess, Cath hugged her best friend feeling proud about doing a good job.

"Woah...I look so..." Eleanor trailed off and Cath finished her sentence, "Enchanting? Alluring? Beautiful?" She laughed and Eleanor smiled at her while giving her a  thumbs up.

Her dark purple gown matched her eyes and was in contrast with her white skin, making her stand out even more, Her hair was curled and put into a side bun, locks of hair framed her small face and moreover her beautiful purple necklace glistened under the light.

She twirled around in the room, dragging Cath around with her who also played along.

"I feel like a princess," She laughed as Cath smiled at her as they sat down on her bed.

"Still...I feel incomplete...Sometimes, I wonder if i had a family out there and friends...are they looking for me? Do they miss me? Was i loved?" She laughed sadly and Cath placed an arm around her shoulders as Eleanor leaned on her shoulder.

"Thousand of questions fill my head every night..." She smiled touching her necklace that was there ever since she woke up.

Cath caressed her hair like a mother would and comforted her silently, "Stop it...your making me cry.." Eleanor laughed.

"Well, it doesn't matter now, I have a family and i wouldn't trade them for anything!" She jumped of her bed and laughed loudly.

Yeah it doesn't matter, she already has a great family, but there's a piece of her still missing and that piece is begging for her to find it. She silently went outside and placed on a very bright smile and she was now back to her cheerful self.

"Let's go, old man!" She happily said linking her arms with her grandfather. They were already late.


Meanwhile at the emperor's chamber.

"I helped you get rid of those who wanted your throne, now it's your turn to repay me." A woman's voice said in the dark corner of his room.

The emperor looked over, "What do you need?"

"Make me crown princess, and i won't reveal what you did to Eleanor." She laughed in her sweet voice. The emperor furrowed his eyebrows.

"I didn't do anything to her, your tricked me!!" He shouted loudly.

"Oh? I did? I still remember how you trapped her inside that island.." She paused, "So you don't mind if i tell Cole?" The emperor froze and he looked over to her coldly.


"Are you positive you really saw her??" Alastair said to Hugo and Constantine who nodded.

They were on their way to the ball after Cole searched the entire capital coming back with nothing.

"We really saw her...She still looked the same except even more beautiful.." Constantine laughed sadly and Cole frowned.

"But she didn't....remember us.." Hugo said furrowing his eyebrows. Cole didn't utter a single word as they continued walking to the ball room.

"The crown prince has arrived!!" The servant announced him and the others and the ladies stared at them looking hopeful as they fluttered their eyelashes.

Cole didn't pay any attention to them as he sat on his seat next to the emperor. While the other's joined the crowd.

Some of the ladies wanted to go talk to Cole but felt scared when they saw his aura leaking out.

Cole supported his chin with his hand on the arm chair as his other hand held a glass wine. He drank his wine slowly as he stared at it.

"Greeting your highness, The crown prince." A sweet voice said.

Cole wasn't paying attention and merely looked at her, The voice belonged to Lilian.

Lilian said happy birthday to him before returning back to the crowd, Then after a while The emperor said he had an announcement.

"As you all know, the crown prince still doesn't have a fiancee...I discussed it with my officials and subjects and concluded that Lady Lilian Dosett is the best candidate to be his fiancee. On this day by my word Lady Dosett is the crown prince's fiancee and your future crown princess" He raised his glass and made a toast to al of them while the audience was shocked by this announcement how can a viscount's daughter be the crown princess?

Cole gripped his glass tightly and furrowed his eyebrows, while the ladies scoffed at Lilian, it would have been better to loose to lady Eleanor than her!

At that moment the servant announced something that made their jaws roll open.

"Physician Monte and his grand daughter Lady Eleanor has arrived!!!" The servant quickly said looking at Eleanor who was smiling.

The music stopped and the room was completely silent, only the heels of Eleanor going down the stairs as she smiled very beautifully to the old man beside her.

Eleanor scanned the room and was left confused on how it was so silent.

"Old man, why is there no music?" She whispered as they finally hit the main floor and the old man shook his head.

Cole stood up from his seat, his eyes were glued to the girl he was looking for, for 2 years.

Eleanor smiled awkwardly tucking the strand of her hair behind her ear when her eyes met with a familiar one.

Deep Ocean blue eyes...How pretty.. She thought to herself.

His eyes reminded her of the ocean and it made her feel safe which was odd.

Time seemed to stop at they stared at each other not planning to break their eye contact.

"Who is...he?" She muttered.

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