Ch. 42 Dead

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"...Let me out." Eleanor said throwing another punch at Constantine who dodged it again.

"Stop dodging!" Eleanor said annoyed, they have been fighting for almost an hour now and she hasn't landed a punch on one of them.

"Calm down Eleanor, we'll let you out once Cole is back." Hugo said.

"Besides you can't land a punch on us, you're just exhausting yourself." he added which made Eleanor scoff.

Yeah she can't land a she decided to kick his crotch.

"Omph--" He covered it while kneeling down, "Damn, why is it always me.." He said while groaning.

"BAHAHAHAHA, He got kicked there twice by sis now!!" Constantine laughed out loud and Alastair followed only Charles was holding his laughter.

"Shut up." Eleanor said and they immediately covered theirs. Since they won't let her out she's just gonna have a tea party at the garden.

She put her hair up on a bun and sat on a chair with both her legs wide open as she leaned back.

They all spit blood, "SIT LIKE A LADY!!" Alastair said while throwing a blanket at Eleanor.

"..?...What's wrong with sitting like this?" She said with a monotone voice as she drank tea and ate some desserts with her leg now up on the chair as she ate the dessert with her hands.

"...Is this really my sister?" Constantine whispered to Charles.

"No..I'm not your sister so let me out." She said hearing what Constantine said.

They were all silent and pretended not to hear what she just said. Meanwhile Eleanor's still not sitting properly and eating like she has been starved for a year, at the corner of her eyes she spotted a shovel.

She smiled and walked over to get it leaving her food.

Charles who noticed this asked her, "What are you doing with the shovel?" He said putting his guard up and the other's eyed her suspiciously.

She laughed again, "Do you really think I'm that evil to hit you with a shovel??" She said disappointingly.

"..." Hugo gulped. "...Yes.."

Eleanor snorted, "Don't worry, I'm just using this to dig a hole." She said immediately digging through the grass.

"...What for?" They looked at each other horrified seeing Eleanor not replying and just manically laughing.

What was this girl planning.

Before Eleanor could proceed with her plan of 'burying' them alive after knocking them out  a woman's voice could be heard from afar.

"..Zira?" Again with that nickname, Eleanor rolled her eyes and turned to look at the beautiful woman who had long purple hair appearing to be in her 40s.

Constantine then grabbed the shovel out of Eleanor's hands seeing she was distracted which earned him a scoff from Eleanor.

"Is that really you?!" Her mom said running to her and hugging her.

"You've grown a lot..." Her mom had tears in her eyes as she laughed.

"I'm sorry...Who are you?" Her mother was left stunned, she looked over to Constantine who was shaking his head.

"Dear...I'm your mother..." Her mom said while smiling sadly.

"My mother..?" She said slowly and her mother nodded, "I have a mother?" She smiled although she can't remember she was happy to have a mom.

Meanwhile on the side Constantine groaned, "This is unfair, she believes her when she is told she is her mother but when i told her I'm her brother she doesn't believe me!" He ranted while Alastair, Hugo and Charles patted his back while laughing.

"Let's sit shall we? We have so many catching up to do!" Her mother said after hugging her again.

Eleanor sat down in front of her 'mother' and asked a question which she would regret later on, "Do i..Have a father?" Eleanor asked in a low voice and her mom froze before tearing up.

"You had one..." She said while frowning tears welled up in her eyes, "If he had known you were still alive he wouldn't have..." Based on what her mother said, she concluded her father...died.

Eleanor's heart was heavy, she wanted to remember her know what her family was like..but she can't.

"I'm sorry..." Eleanor said tearing up, her mother stood up from her seat and hugged her, "My baby...It's not your fault..." Her mother said with a shaky voice.

"I'm so sorry..." Eleanor said breaking down and cried very loudly. The 4 men who were currently guarding her was panicking. How do you comfort someone again?

"Shh...It's alright...You're here now.." Her mother shushed her and caressed her hair as the other hand patted her back soothingly.

She kept crying and crying...why was she crying? She clearly doesn't remember anything yet she was ugly crying.

Unconsciously Eleanor activated her magic, a huge storm formed over the imperial palace only.

It was raining very heavily and everything was a mess, like a hurricane.

"Sis..Calm down.." Constantine shouted noticing the huge storm forming only on the palace.

Her mother glared at Constantine and told him to shush, which he then zipped his mouth not wanting his mother's anger.

"There,there...Let it all out..." Her mother cooed. As Eleanor was still ugly crying and the storm getting more worse.

"Mother it's not safe!!" Constantine said to her mother who was now inside the circle formed by the storm with Eleanor.

"It's alright sweetie, It's not your fault..It's no ones fault." Eleanor kept on crying until she was eventually overcome by sleepiness due to her mana draining.

"I'm sorry..Forgive me.." She said before finally sleeping in her mother's embrace and the sky became more clearer, heck even a rainbow could be seen on the sky.

"Constantine, carry your sister to the bed." Her mother said to the poor constantine who looked very messy same with the others.

He did what his mother asked and carried his sister back to Cole's bed. Her mother also went back to their mansion to deal with things and promised she'll come back tomorrow.

"I wonder what Cole's doing now." Alastair said after they had discussed about the craziness of her power.


"We're here, crown prince!" Bruce said looking at the breath taking island.

Cole prepared his weapons and found their way to where the entrance of 'mors arto'.

"You better come back in one piece your highness!" Bruce said and the other's also said some word's to him like he was going to die.

"Have faith in your prince, do you think I'll die that easily?" Cole smirked before walking away, they couldn't help but shake their heads. This was not worth it at all!


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