Ch. 19 Tournament #3

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Just great.! My head feels like it's going to explode any minute and my rival is someone who MIGHT kill me.

"Eleanor don't blame me if i accidentally kill you." Lilian whispered in my air. IS THIS EVEN LEGAL, I WANT MY LAWYER.

"You can try." I retorted back despite the pain on my head.



"1, START."

As we both heard start Lilian immediately threw a VERY large light ball to me, almost as big as my head! I swiftly made a dark circle around me shielding me from the big ass ball.

'Kill her Eleanor..' A voice rang in my head. Augh! Ignoring the voice in my head i imagined hands from underground and making them cling onto Lilian so she cant move.

'You know you want to kill her.' The voice said in a tempting tone. My head feels like it's ripping. With the pain in my head i unknowingly made the hands clasp Lilian tighter making her skin pale.

'Your just 1 second away from your doom, just kill her.' The voice said laughing maniacally.

No...Stop! Why are you doing this to me?!

Once i thought that i immediately saw that Lilian was out of my trap.

"It's better if you just surrender you know, that way i don't have to get my hands dirty." A voice from behind me said.

"Stop provoking me Lilian, there's something in me...I might loose control." I said annoyed at her.

'The prey is right in front of you, all you have to do is kill it.' I hissed from the pain every time that voice speaks. It's like for every word that voice says it will control me.

"I am not provoking you, i am simply telling the truth. You don't belong here Eleanor, All you are is a bitch with powers." Lilian said laughing but only i could hear what she said. My eyes blackened at what she said.

It's fine to call me anything but what do you mean i don't belong here? I may have reincarnated here but this is my body and my life why couldn't i belong here? I thought my face getting colder.

"It's better if you die already that way i can finally be with Cole. Your useless, Cole is probably nice to you because your his fiancee." Lilian said laughing again. The ringing in my head started again this time even more powerful.

'Kill her Eleanor.'

'She said you don't belong here.' The voice said tempting me. No i can't...As i was battling this voice in my head, my body moved on it's own. Huh? I tried to control my body but it won't budge...What did you do to me?!

'Don't worry..I you and your me, i won't do anything to cause you harm.' The voice stated.

Y-your not me! Stop controlling me you asshole! then i was sucked in darkness.

I was enveloped with darkness but i could see a faint light. I ran to that light and saw a big screen. Is this my vision? Wait...don't tell me, that voice took over me? Am i inside my head?!

"STOP WHATEVER YOUR DOING I WILL STOP YOU!" I said shouting at the darkness around me.

The big screen immediately faced Lilian. Then she was suddenly in the air, darkness squishing her body.

"AUGHH..HELPPP!!!." Lilian screamed in pain but of course Eleanor didn't budge cause that isn't Eleanor.

"Stop it! Please don't kill her..." I screamed at the screen.

'Why shouldn't i kill her?' The voice echoed in the room.

"Because she did nothing wrong!" I defended.

'Did nothing wrong? She told us we don't belong here Eleanor.' The voice said with a blunt laugh.

"Your not me! stop controlling my body. YOU don't belong here but i do. I get to make my own choices!" I yelled destroying the screen which displayed Lilian getting out of my grasp falling down to the ground. Immediately after i destroyed the screen i was no back to my body.

"Thank God." I said out loud before i blacked out.


??? POV

It's been 3 days since Eleanor has been asleep. I know what's wrong but should i help them?

"Are you sure there you don't know what's wrong with my sister?" Constantine said grabbing the healer's collar. The healer who was frightened immediately nod his head.

All of them look so pitiful, a little help wont do any harm. hehe. With that thought i transformed into an old man. I knocked on their door and Cole opened it.

"Can i help you?" Cole said running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"May i have...a glass of water?" I said while my voice shivering. If they wont give me any it's their loss.

"Come in." Cole said opening the door wide for me to go in. I sat on the couch and drank the water he gave me.

"What seems to be troubling you young man?" I asked Cole who was in a daze.

" fiancee...She's been asleep for 3 days and none of us can help her." Cole said his voice getting colder every word. He looks very pitiful, i guess ill help him then that way it will be more fun.

"Maybe i could help, back when i was young i was a very powerful healer, and i know every illness." I said and he immediately eyed me.

"How can i trust you? Its suspicious enough that an old man like you is here on the academy." Cole said. Ouch!

"Is that so? Then i guess you don't need my help." I said pretending to walk away. He immediately stopped me.

"Wait...If you really do know what's wrong with her then please help us but, if you do anything suspicious i wont hesitate to kill you." Cole threatened with a serious tone.

"Take me to her then." I said not flinching one bit when he threatened me. We arrived in a white room with Eleanor sleeping on the bed. I stared at the pale face of the young girl. How pitiful, i really need to stop pitying humans who have a good heart.

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