Ch.22 Goodbye

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It's been 1 year since me and lilian became 'friends' again, and we've put her father in prison lilian and her mother as witnesses of the crimes he did plus the evidence. I'm 15 now... time goes by so fast, right now it's summer break and were meeting up to hang out?

"Brother, why are they taking so long?" I asked Constantine who was looking at the map of Yer, are we lost?

"That's weird they should be here by now." Constantine said.

"Ellie!" A voice shouted from behind us.

"Alastair, hello!" I said waving to him and the rest of the group who were coming to us.

"Why did you guys take so long?" Constantine said with an annoyed expression.

"We were helping someone who was robbed, you see..." As they were all explaining i noticed Cole walking beside me. I looked up at him with a confused look, he was now grabbing my hand.


"Run." Cole said bluntly holding my hand tightly as he dragged me somewhere far from them.

"SISTER!" Constantine shouted running after us, the rest of the group followed behind us. What is Cole doing?!

"So noisy." Cole said while looking back and forming a fire wall that separates us from the rest of the group, i looked at the fire which is blazing my grip tightened on Cole. I'm not that dcared of fire now but seeing it makes me nervous.

Cole who noticed that i tightened my grip on his arm dispelled the fire barrier and just like that we were out of their sight.

"Cole?! What are we doing here?" I asked Cole who was dragging me inside the Cafe.

As we sat down, Cole ordered something as i just stared at him in disbelief.

"Cole??? Why are we here?" I asked Cole, but my voice was a little loud causing the old couple behind us to laugh.

"Young couples these days." The old man behind as said to the old woman in front of him.

My face instantly flushed while Cole just smirked at me, If i could just wipe that smirk of him.

"I'm kidnapping you." Cole said while staring at me.

"Well i don't need to be kidnapped, I'd be willing to go with you, you know!"

"A-and stop staring at me!" I said as i pushed his face to look at the window.

"Cute..." Cole whispered.

"What?" I asked.


"Your dessert has arrived." The waitress said looking at Cole seductively. Hmp! like he'd pay any attention to you, he's mine!

Wait-- Augh stop it Eleanor! As i looked at the dessert in front of me my mood immediately became pleasant.

I happily ate the Chocolate cake and macarons as Cole just stared at me taking a sip of his coffee? Why isn't he eating anything?

"Why aren't you eating anything?"

"I just ate a while ago so I'm full" Cole said while staring at me.

"That so? Here taste this, its yummy!" I grabbed one of the vanilla flavored macaron and fed him. After he ate that i became conscious of what i did..

"U-uh, mm yummy!" I stuffed my mouth with chocolate cake as Cole laughed at me.

As i was about to eat a eat the slice of choco cake, Cole smoothly grabbed my hand and ate the choco cake on my spoon,

"Yeah, it tastes good, I should have the chef make these everyday in the castle once we get married." Cole stated as he chewed my choco cake.

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