Ch. 46 Sacrifice

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"Lady Lilian???" Eleanor asked again and the emperor nodded. "W, Why??" She ran a hand through her hair. She has been good to Lilian all this time, why would she?!

"Don't ask me, i don't know anything."

"...Was she the one who poisoned my father?" 

The emperor slowly nodded and coughed.

"Was she the one who poisoned you too?" Eleanor  asked.

"..?..No, I'm just faking this, I'm tired of being an emperor." The old emperor laughed.

Couldn't he just pass the crown to Cole though, instead of doing all this work?

Eleanor shake her head and scoffed.

"Th, thank you." She said walking away, "For telling me who did it."

The emperor only nodded and waved his hands, shooing Eleanor away.

After Eleanor had gone out she was met by a curious prince.

"What were you two talking about?"

Eleanor smiled, "I found the reason why he sent me to that island..and why my father..."

Cole pursed his lips and slowly nod.

"Who was it?"

Eleanor hesitated for a moment, "...L, Lady Lilian Dosett.." Hearing that name Cole furrowed his eyebrows and his hands formed a fist. He knew he should've killed her when he got the chance.

"But..Don't do anything to her, yet. I still want to know the reason why.." Eleanor smiled and looked at Cole's eyes as he nodded.

"Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, i heard you were here, so i immediately came."

"But, don't you have knight training though?"

"I do, but that can wait." He chuckled.

Eleanor shook her head, "No, you shouldn't skip that, it's unfair to the knights, I don't have anything else to do so I'll come watch you, my brother is also there right?"

He exhaled and ruffled her hair, "Fine, stay far away though i don't want you to get hurt."

She giggled as Cole held her hand and intertwined it with his.

Meanwhile the guard who was watching their interaction couldn't help but feel single.


"Sis! Hiya!" Constantine shouted from far away. Eleanor waved back and laughed, letting go of Cole's  hands.

Eleanor saw a large oak tree near the training ground and immediately took shelter there. She was leaning on the tree, sitting down as she was painting the scenery.

It was quite windy so Eleanor tied her hair up in a messy bun not looking lady-like at all, but that didn't fail to make her look even more beautiful, making some knights blush.

"What'cha painting Ellie?" Alastair said coming over to her with both his hands on his head as he sat beside her.

Eleanor smiled cheekily, "The bed of flowers, Isn't it beautiful?" she said as she let him see what she was drawing.

"Yeah. It is." Alastair said looking at her eyes, but of course Eleanor shrugged that off and just laughed.

"Ehem." A cold voice said interrupting their conversation. Suddenly it was a little cold.

"Cole!" Eleanor called out and tapped on her right side.

Alastair looked down and chuckled, "I'll get back to training then."

"Oh, so soon?" Eleanor said and Alastair gave her a toothy grin, running back to where the other's are.

Now it was only Eleanor and Cole there.

"What were you two talking about?"

"Hmn? The painting," Eleanor said painting again.


Eleanor noticed Cole was trying to say something, "What is it?"

"...Nothing, it's just you two looked like you were having fun."

Eleanor tilt her head, "Yeah we were." Cole immediately furrowed his eyebrows.

"But, i like being with you more." Eleanor smiled at him leaving him frozen as he looked away from her.

"Don't tell me you're jealous?" Eleanor teasingly said and Cole immediately shook his head.

"No, Not at all, I just don't like the way he looks at you, you're mine." Cole said looking at her eyes.

Eleanor's cheeks turned red, "N,no..I'm mine." She jokingly said.

He smirked, "You know what i mean." he stared at her red ears.

Eleanor rolled her eyes and tried to paint again. "why are you still here?"

"...Why shouldn't i be?"

"Well you have a lot of duties to go to."

"...Bruce can handle that."

Eleanor unconsciously rolled her eyes again and Cole laid his head on her lap and covered his eyes with his hand.

"What are you doing?? There are others watching us!" Eleanor slapped his hand but he wouldn't budge.

"Just for a little while, I'm marking my territory."

Eleanor couldn't help but roll her eyes again, "You don't even have to do this, I'm already yours." She muttered as she placed her canvas on Cole's arm that was covering his eyes.

"...I heard that."

"So what you jerk."

Eleanor smiled, her eyes forming into crescent moons as a red blush crept up her cheeks.


"AUGH! THAT OLD EMPEROR WOULDN'T HELP ME ANYMORE!!!" Lilian threw a jade vase on the ground as Cath flinched.

"EVERYTHING IS SHATTERING, IT'S ALL SHATTERED JUST LIKE THAT!" She ugly cried and shouted at Cath who was scared.

"TELL ME, WHAT SHOULD I DO?! THEY'RE COMING FOR ME! THEY'RE GOING TO GET ME!" She shook Cath who was now crying.

"W,Who is coming..My...Lady?" Cath said through sobs.


"" Cath said and Lilian nodded crazily.

"YES, THEY WOULDN'T NOTICE ANYTHING, THEY CAN'T GET ME, YOU FINALLY HAVE A PURPOSE FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!" Lilian shouted crazily at her and wrote something in paper.

"PREPARE THE SAND AND CANDLES WE'LL DO THIS TOMORROW WHEN IT'S THE FULL MOON!" Lilian said at her maid who was terrified of her.

"Yes..I'm finally getting you back..Mommy.." Lilian whispered to a life sized doll gently petting it.

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