Ch. 30 Mine

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Cole and his men dropped their weapons slowly while Raza growled with a low voice, " Let us go and we'll let your little princess live." The man who held Eleanor said while caressing her cheek.

Cole stood cold watching his lover who was deathly pale while blood formed on her neck. Eleanor was pissed! How dare he caress her cheek?! Even though she is weak she still has mana left.

Cole's face darkened and signaled his men to retreat. His men looked at him in disbelief, "Your highness are you sure?!" Cole gave the magician a look which made the magician tremble and back down.

The man who held Eleanor caressed her cheek and attempted to kiss her, That's where Eleanor's last nerve broke! She has to squeeze at the last bit of her mana to get rid of this punk and the rest.

Eleanor stopped the man in tracks while all eyes were on her, knowing their Goddess was pissed off!

The men suddenly shivered, they knew they were about to die, suddenly they went up in the air. Their mouths rolled open, what was happening?! They went up into the sky then flew left and right. Eleanor stood their while suppressing her head ache.

Suddenly the 20 men fell down to their doom while the knights checked if they were all dead, which they are!

The knights and magicians yelled in victory! As they were celebrating Eleanor coughed up more blood than before. Cole and her friends noticed that and immediately ran up to her.

"Sis!!" Constantine called out before Eleanor fell into a hard chest, princess-carrying her.

"Get the horse ready," A cold voice ordered Bruce. His master was mad!

Eleanor wrapped her arms around Cole's neck and snuggled into his neck before giving in to her sleepiness.


It was a sunny day when Eleanor got up from her head feeling a bit jumpy. "Zira, Your awake! Quickly check how she is doing?!" Her mother's voice rang in her ear and an old man walked up to her and placed is hand on her pulse.

"The lady is fine now, Duchess.." Her mother urged the old man to continue, "But she may feel a bit tipsy...A bit drunk for the next 2-4 days."

His mother breathed a sigh of relief and asked why, "It seems that her body took in a lot more mana that she has and that caused her to appear drunk." The old man said and dismissed himself, the 8 healers followed the old man.

"Mom? How long was i asleep for?" Eleanor lazily said while going back in bed.

Her mother sat on her bed, "2 days sweetie, but your fine now." Eleanor suddenly noticed she was in an unfamiliar room.

"Where am i?" She clearly remembered being in Cole's embrace.

"In the palace, prince Cole's knight brought you back, your currently in His highness's room.

"Why am i here?" Eleanor said shortly.

"Prince Cole said you should recuperate here, his highness couldn't be here as he was still taking over the West kingdom he will probably arrive this noon." Her mother said while letting Eleanor sit on the dresser, combing her unkept hair.

"Thank you for taking care of me." Eleanor said while yawning going to the bathroom. Her mother laughed faint wrinkled formed on the side of her eyes. "What are you talking about? That's what a mother should do!"

"Since your fine now you stay in the palace for a week, Your father wont mind, your engaged anyway!" Her mother happily said while winking at her daughter.

Her mother walked to the doorway to go out, "I'll go back to our residence now! Don't do anything naughty while were away!" Her mother walked out thinking that she should let them marry soon so she can have her grandchildren!

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